Part 18

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We were at Navy Pier and making our way to Build -A-Bear. He actually knew where to go since they came here with Eleanor the day after the concert here in Chicago. I went to the concert but got shitty seats way high up. It was fun none the less. We’ve only had to stop around five times, since Niall was signing some autographs, none of them were rude to me, but I saw how they looked at me. Angry, hateful, they were ripping me apart with their big blue eyes.

        We were outside of the work shop and little kids were everywhere.

“Well we look so mature right now don’t we?” said Niall sarcastically.

“I know right!” I said playing along. I walked to the first station and he followed behind me.

“What animal should we get?” I asked holding up options.

“I want… the polar bear.” said Niall pointing at the one in my left hand.

“I want the panda bear,” I said taking another from a box. I let the others go and we got in line to get the ‘heart’ and to stuff it.

Some teens outside the workshop were starring, not knowing what they were looking at, “You feel them starring too right?” asked Niall.

“Who?” I said. I played dumb; I didn’t want him to feel bad like when the first three girls that asked for autographs. He didn’t tell me, but I knew. He thinks he’s the reason I get so much hate, and death threats, but I knew what was going to happen. I saw it coming.

“Nothing,” he sighed.

We stuffed them and did everything. I just needed to dress them up.

I picked a pretty pink dress, and he went with jeans a t-shirt and ‘bout around fifty snapbacks for his bear. I laughed the entire time he was picking the clothing. He even wore one of the snapbacks outside of the store.

On our way out back to the pier –still wearing the stuffed bears snapback I might add-, he asked me, “So, what are you gonna do while I’m gone?”

I don’t know why I avoided this topic so much, I mean I’ve only known him for about a month and a half, and started dating for six days, “I don’t know… probably hang out with Gabriella…”

“I could stay you know!” He said while taking my hand.

“No!” he needed to bond with his family, they miss him, “You’ve been away from your family for like, two months. You need to be with them. They miss you.”

“But I can-”

“No! You go with your family, they love and miss you don’t take them for granted. I would love to have that… I’ll see you in two weeks anyway.”

“Fine,” he said while sighing, I’m glad he didn’t about my parents, “So what ride did you say you wanted to try?”

“That one!” I said while pointing at the big one that spun around whiles you hang by thread in a seat. It looked fun.

“Oh no! I am not getting on that… that… that death on a chair!” Niall exclaimed.

I started laughing, “But you promised!” I complained.

“But it’s-”

“You promised,” I said again sternly, “Does the Niall Horan not keep his promises? I must say I expected more of you.” I shook my head in disapproval, “But if you’re too much of a baby than fine, I can go on it alone. Maybe I’ll even meet some guy there, we could for a coffee and-”

Ava, The World, & Niall Horan -A Niall Horan Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now