Can't Hide the Feelings Anymore

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 Sorry, its been a lot longer than what I wanted it to be. Anyway, I'm almost done with this story, and will have to decide what to do next. I probably will be coming up with a new idea, so calm yourself. I also have to read the new Spy School novel, SSGS. NO SPOILERS PLEASE.

Joshua told me a long time ago to train and prepare whoever came to the school. I'd say I've succeeded, but that would be tested. Ben would need to be strong, brave, courageous, and smart. Feelings could not get in the way.

He rolled over and groaned "I'm sore." I smiled and got out of the bed. My legs also hurt and I really didn't want to ride that dumb motorcycle anymore. Glancing at the alarm clock it was 5:17 in the morning. 

"I am not getting up." Ben mumbled but I threw off the blankets. There he lay in his shorts and I cringed. His back defined with muscles. He didn't have those 3 years ago. He worked hard and definitely wanted to impress me, and I was impressed.

"You have 3 minutes. Shower can wait." I ordered as I grabbed our backpack. He jumped out of bed and put his shirt back on. I almost hated that he did that but I pushed the thought aside. Teenage thoughts put you in danger.

"Okay, I'm ready." He said and I responded "New record."

"I'm not a morning person." He complained as he opened the door.

"You better be or your dying on a mission." I told him, I easily recognized the iciness in my voice.

"Whatever." He mumbled as we walked down the quiet eerie halls. Those weird abstract paintings on the walls.

I stopped and studied one, it looked like a man stuck in a cage. Small hunched over and a smear of red on his chest. I looked at Ben who was studying a different painting.

Looking at his it showed a person carrying another person. As orange exploded in the background. I could practically see the man's features; worried and scared.

"T-Those happened." Ben quivered pointing to the painting I was staring at. "Both of them."

I turned around facing the other side. This painting had two people stuck in chairs. The next held a person fighting off masked villains. They were also in order first on the left of the hallway had two people at a library.

"Creepy." Ben said as he rushed forward going to the end of the hall. The final painting hung on the right of room number 6. It was pure red unable to comprehend. That ether meant the whole world was ending or it couldn't tell the future. I hoped it was the second option.


1 Week Later

"Day pass or season pass?" A park ranger asked us as we pulled forward.

"Day pass." Ben responded flipping out his wallet. He handed him a wad of bills and the ranger gave him a map in return.

"This place is huge." Ben groaned as he pulled ahead into the park. I looked around the views way different here than Florida. Crisp pine smell and mountains looming in the distance.

We passed a biker who pointed his hands at the road. Ben did the same and the guy smiled.

"Biker wave." Ben told me and then said "I think."

Old Faithful was a pretty long ways 82 miles to be exact. That's where we think headquarters would be but in reality we aren't sure. Those geysers are connected in a way to create a perfect explosion. In reality Ben and I had no idea who we were looking for. My grandfather is the key for an explosion. They need him for something.

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