Ben Actually Gets A Kiss!

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Sorry it took so long, school started Thursday and I had soccer practice and physical therapy. I DO NOT OWN THESE CHARACTERS, and Enjoy.


I still hid where Ben left me. Still in shock I suppose. I heard his screams and cries of pain, I heard him sob and I couldn't do anything about it. As soon as he left those demons left too, so I kind of assumed they were zombies. I sat listening for anything. It was quiet, too quiet.

I slowly decided to creep out and I heard voices. One of the voices was Ben and I wanted to run out there, and hug him. Instead I stood the other voice was definitely a guard, and it sounded oddly familiar.

"Your vitals are on my screen. You're not fooling me." The not Ben person said and I hunched lower guessing they had some sort of night vision goggles. Yeah, I bet Ben didn't figure that out hence why he's in that situation.

A few seconds later I heard what sounded like kissing. A few moans then I put the pieces together; Ben's kissing a girl. I shouldn't feel mad, or jealous but I am. It feels like a sucker punch. I scowled.

I shook my head like a dog and slowly slid down to the ground. I held my head and sat waiting. I heard another cry of pain, Ben's, then footsteps. I counted to 300 and decided to the find the hole to get out. I figured it would be pretty easy to find because of the light coming from it.

I cracked open the door and slowly crept down the hallways. It's dark but I remember my way out. I bet Ben forgot about that too, but hey I guess he's a hero.

"AH." I yelped in surprise as something pounced on top of me. I shouted in pain as they raked my chest with their claws. Pushing them off I broke into a run towards the light ahead. I know what your thinking, I'm literally running to the light. You know "DON'T GO INTO THE LIGHT." Yeah this isn't some sappy romance movie. Never mind it just got weird.

I saw light ahead that is burning my eyes and once I got closer the sunlight was unbearable. Based on the shadows and brightness it's about 7:00 pm. I had to get out of here before dark or I'm dead. And Ben? He's gone or dying. I pushed him out of my brain but the thought of him hurt? 

The claws from those demon's stung and I continued to the light. When I got to the hole I started climbing up, escaping the horrors below.


I had to stop and rest. Hands on my hips sucking in air, glancing up I'm about halfway there.

"Guess who got captured!" A man called from down the hallway, on my right side.

Turning towards him I growled out "I swear of it's Ben I'm going to rip his head off."

"And... He's a dead man." The man laughed as he stepped into the light.

"Lousy spy." I spat but I didn't really mean it. Ben was becoming a very good spy. I looking at the man ahead, he is muscular and well built. A mask covering his face. And looking closer it's black with a skull on it. Maybe a size medium mask and based on the creases he's currently smirking. Moving my vision to his eyes I had a miniature heart attack. His eyes, forest green. The same twinkle in them like Ben's. The same blue speckle in the right eye.

"Yes. I suppose." He said as he narrowed his eyes. "Who are you." I asked and he crossed his arms.

"Samuel. Call me Sam." He responded and I prodded "Last name."

"Oh Erica, I'm sure you know. You were studying me pretty closely, reminded me of High School girls." He said and then he scratched his head. Speaking of head he had brown hair. His was short, buzzed, Ben's was messy.

"Or was it Ben who was good at that kind of stuff." He sighed and grumbled "I always get confused. You guys are together all the time."

I smiled thinking of Ben. It's all an act I suppose me being cold. I never want to be betrayed again. And if Ben happens to betray me, I would never recover.

"Wait it's Ben! He sucks at anything else but that." He said again with a smile and I couldn't help but smile. His smile looks just like Ben's, I knew he was smiling too.

"Your very pretty, Erica Hale." He took a hesitant step forward and I took one back.

"That's disgusting!" I growled and he looked hurt. "Your probably 30."

"I'm as old as Ben." He smirked and took another step forward.

"I-I don't understand." I stuttered and he smiled even bigger.

I kind of knew what he was talking about, but I don't want to accept it. Not at all.

"Now, take an easy on your boyfriends brother." Samuel said as he cracked his knuckles and stretched his back.

Wrinkling my nose I grumbled "He's not my boyfriend."

"Yup." He lazily called creeping towards me fists level. "Oh your on." I called lunging fists flying.

He twisted to the right and attempted to kick me. The fool. That left him off balance. Using that to my advantage I launched a martial art move that would make The Karate Kid cry. He groaned as my foot made contact with his privates.

He doubled over groaning and I launched another attack. Sending a high kick at his face. Samuel is a very good actor because he intercepted my kick grabbing my ankle. He dragged me to him.

Managing to yank my ankle out of his grasp I tumbled backwards. I guess the ledge was closer than I thought because I quickly grabbed it. Pulling myself back up onto solid ground. I groaned and Samuel grunted in pain.

"I knew I wasn't going to be able to capture you." He grumbled "But I suppose someone else can."

He whistled high and shrill and I covered my ears. The light coming through the hole was dimming and it was becoming night. 

I simply looked at Samuel who definitely wouldn't let me run down that hall or climb up. My only option was jumping across the hole.

I took a small start and jumped with all my might. But I didn't make it, and I braced myself to grab the ledge one story below me. The impact pulled my right shoulder out of its socket and I cried out in pain.

I did manage to pull myself up and I took off down the hall. Running through the dark, once again. 

Thank you!

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