A Judo flip Worse Than Annabeth's.

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I do not own these characters just the plot. I do own that guard though, but she sucks. Thanks for the views.

"Those people." I whispered as I heard gibberish outside. Erica's hand squeezed mine tight and I'm not sure who was squeezing harder. "Calm down, baby." Erica whispered. We could hear their moans and groans and I was personally hoping we weren't in the same room as one.

"Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh." I continuously whispered as I squeezed my eyes shut. Erica was sitting next to me and our bodies were pressed against each other.

Erica put a finger to my lips but she actually put it on my eye. I yelped in pain and surprise as she pressed against it.

"Aw shoot." I whispered as I heard the door knob jingle. I gripped the vase I was still holding from earlier and got ready to throw it. Erica must of gotten up or something because I didn't feel her next to me.

I got up quietly too and slowly walked forward. I kept inching forward and I smiled I was getting the hang of it. Then I tripped over a chair and fell flat on my face. My vase shattered and glass got stuck on my face "Uhhh." I groaned my voice muffled by the ground.

I slowly got up and felt around being more careful.

"Erica?" I called out in the darkness afraid.

"Ben!" She shouted in terror as we heard the door creak open she shouted again "They can see in the dark."

"Erica, hide." I shouted out then I took off in the direction of the door. I ran right into one of those demon things and I fell to the ground. I heard it hiss but I already was running out the door. I could hear it gasp and wheeze behind me. I'm a hundred percent sure Erica would be saving my butt throughout this experience.

I was running blindly in the dark with demon things on my tail! That sounds like a future horror game, but I only have one life, no extra lives, no restarts.

I picked up my pace but I ran right into one. I flew across the tile floor and came to a stop against a wall. My head spun from pain and I slowly pulled myself up but something crashed against me. I attempted to pull it off but to my horror it was one of those demon things. It's claws dug into my skin and I screamed in pain. I kicked and punched, but the thing wouldn't budge. The scratches it dug into my skin burned and stung.

I finally managed to grab it's head but I cried out again as I felt a different one bite my stomach. I rolled to my side and felt a can roll out of my pocket. The pepper spray! I reached blindly for it and got it. Pulling off the cap I sprayed it blindly. The demons wailed in pain and I pulled myself off the ground.

I took off and turned right down the hallway panting and screaming. I knew I was crying and I'm not even ashamed. This is the worst thing I've ever been through, hands down.


"Having fun?" The computerized man called out over the speakers. I grunted in pain as another scratch was added to my body.

"No." I snarled as I sprayed pepper spray on another demon thing.

"I'm asking Erica, Ben." He responded I truly wasn't listening but when he said Erica my ears perked up. If he's saying that she must be okay, well not dead anyway.

I really picked up my pace and continued to run forward, my hand on the wall. With my hand on the wall I know where the turns are, so I wouldn't smack into the wall. I was running my fastest through the dark hallways and I crashed into something that was running in my direction.

"Uhhh." I groaned out my head hitting the tile flooring. The person groaned too and I reached to my left to feel them.

"Back!" They shouted as they judo flipped me over their shoulder. I cried out in pain my back slamming on the tile. "Erica..." I whimpered out and they asked "Erica?"

"Dang it. who are you." I asked slowly able to suck in air, I must of gotten the wind knocked out of me.

"Guard 2390324. You can call me Sydney." She said blindly reaching out to help me up. I blindly reached out grabbing her hand. She pulled me up and asked "Your ID?"

"Just call me Alexander." I responded

Suddenly we both heard the gibberish of the demon kids, and I froze. She laughed at me and asked "Afraid?"

"I have a fear of the dark." I responded with a small smile and she laughed.

We both were laughing and when I felt something squeeze my hand I realized our hands were clasped together. She smiled and said "Your eyes are beautiful."

I frowned and asked "You can see me." she said "Guards have night vision goggles, but they are technologically upgraded. I could practically see her eyes narrow when she asked "Your a guard, right?"

"No! I'm a SPYDER criminal!" I responded with an awkward laugh at the end. She laughed again and she squeezed my hand again. I really should pull my hand out of hers but I didn't want to be rude.

"Your not wearing your uniform?" She noted and I smiled and responded "Didn't have time to change before I got here. Left everything home but my pepper spray." I held the can and I was never going to leave home without. I would be dead without it.

She glanced at my torso and said quickly "Your hurt. Bad." I couldn't see my injuries but now that she mentioned it a dull throb pounded on my body. I grunted and asked "Where are those goggles?" She laughed and asked "Only one per officer. No more." I nodded my head and she pulled me forward.

"Where are we going? Demon monsters are everywhere!" I cried out afraid. I was going to have a heart attack no doubt. My fear of the dark hasn't gotten better, no, it has gotten worse. A lot worse.

"Your funny! Guards have a repellent to keep them away. Here." she said and then I heard rustling. Then she was spraying me with repellent and I gagged and coughed.

"Now, I'm taking you to the medical bay." She told me as she pulled me to the right. I was really hoping she wasn't taking me to the concrete rooms. I hope she didn't know who I am. I really hope this repellent works.

"Hey!" I shouted and she stopped walking. "Do you have a flashlight?" She nodded her head and I grinned but she ruined my hope and responded with "I do, but it hurts the Test 18543's eyes."

I memorized those numbers with ease and continued following her.


I really need to be more active... Comments welcome

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