Vases Hurt

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*Shortest part yet, sorry. Next part will come out sometime soon, but I'm not sure. I have to type up the next part. We are on vacation so I may have time. I do not own these characters! Enjoy.*


"This place is creepy." He whispered as we passed the rooms holding the demon people. I have no idea how to explain them besides the fact that they look like demons.

Ben got closer to look into the doors and one of the demon people must have noticed him and was standing by the door.

"HOLY SOUR CREAM!" Ben shouted as he jumped backward and landed on his butt. He scooted away and fumbled for his gun.

"Come on. They are probably trying to find us now." grumbled annoyed at Ben's actions. I guess he hasn't dropped the magazine again.


"That explosion was pretty wicked, huh?" A voice called and I put a finger to Ben's lips shushing him. He gagged and pushed it off whispering "It tastes like dog food." I gave him a confused glance and asked "When have you tasted dog food." His face got serious and he whimpered out "Long story." I shrugged and turned my focus to the approaching guards.

"Heck yeah it was." The other guard responded and her voice sounded female. I peeked up from the office we were hiding in and the two guards looked more professional. They both wore bullet proof vests and gas masks. Each carrying a large semi-automatic weapon. The one on the right who I assumed was female held a 20 gauge shotgun. The guard on the right had a m4a1 strapped on their backs.

I smiled and mumbled "This is going to be fun."

Ben gulped and whimpered "Fun?"

"What do we do?" Ben asked as he fumbled with his gun. He clicked the switch and the magazine of his gun fell out.

"What the hell was that?" The male guard asked his friend I elbowed Ben in the ribs and he yelped.

"Sounds like kids to me." The female guard growled as they walked closer to the office area we were hiding in.

"Get ready." I whispered as I clicked the safety off my gun.

They barged in and I raised my gun ready to take one out. The first person looked like a female and the second was the male. The feman ducked and I fired another one right at their stomach. She dove right crashing into a computer. I whistled impressed at her reaction time.

Ben stood next to me and I could feel him shivering. My arms were extended out my gun in my hand ready to fire. Ben stood huddled next to me his body against mine. I pushed him away and scolded "Ben! Get your gun out." He shakily leveled it at the male and I had mine trained on the female.

They both wore gas masks but I knew they were smiling underneath them. They weren't new gas masks but old ones used in wars. You couldn't see their eyes but only saw black glass, and I felt goosebumps on my skin. Looking out the corner of my eye I saw Ben his eyes wide terrified. He had to go through this once and by the looks of it he didn't want to do it again.

I had all my focus on the female gas masked assassin the man managed to shoot my gun destroying it. I cursed as they both had their guns pointed on me. I guess they already knew Ben couldn't shoot and they weren't worried about him at all.

Glancing over at Ben he had the magazine out from his gun and he threw it at the female attacker. It hit her in the head and she yelped pointing her gun at Ben instead of me. Ben frowned and just threw his gun at her, and this time she was knocked out cold.

"Ha, weaponless." The man said with a smile as he leveled his gun on me. I got ready to attack but then a vase came out of nowhere and smacked into his skull.

"Uhhh." He groaned as he crashed to the ground. I glanced over at Ben who had a huge smile on his face. He looked at me with a sneer and said "Your welcome. I just saved you."

I frowned and approached the female guard. Tearing off her gas mask I saw her features. She had scars all over her face like Deadpool and I cringed. Ben gasped as he quickly slapped her gas mask back on her face.

"We need to find rope." I told Ben as I started searching the office. Ben grabbed something from my waist and grinned. "Ha. Found something."

Ben grabbed an office chair, and Ben said "That's comfortable."

I glanced down a the black leather arm chair. I shrugged looking around the room. These chairs were everywhere but I did notice a few wooden chairs. I went and grabbed two and brought them back to Ben. He nodded and together we grabbed the man and set him on the chair.

"Erica!" Ben yelped as the man fell face forward off the chair. We reached down and heaved him back up onto the chair. Ben hesitantly reached out and tore off his gas mask. His face was normal, no scars anywhere. His brown hair was buzzed and he seemed clean and fresh. While the girl's face was scared and she was messy. Ben pulled off the girls mask and he hauled her back into the closet. He locked the door and pushed a table in front of it. Now we just need to wait for the man to wake up.

*Thank you and feel free to comment mistakes in my work I won't get mad as long as it is nice. Thanks for the views and votes, thanks.*

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