Ben's Girl List Is Worse Than A Teenage Girls

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Thank you for the views, I'm enjoying writing this. I really thought this story would have one single view, but no. HECK NO OVER A HUNDRED! Thanks so much, I'm thankful for you guys/gals. I hope my chapters still please you. I'm not sure how I want this story to go, I'm just going along with the process. I'm sorry, the effort I'm putting in these is going down. Also, Erica is a much better spy, she's not going to get injured as much as Ben. Thanks, and I DO NOT OWN THESE CHARACTERS.


"You can fix me later." I protested and she shoved me inside of the medical area. I think anyway because it was dark. She flipped on the lights and I hissed covering my eyes. It burned like a thousand suns and it took me five minutes before I could move my hands.

Glancing down I finally saw the seriousness of my injuries. Deep claw marks covered my chest and arms. And the bite mark on my stomach was turning green and slowly oozing blood. Although the bite mark looked cool, like from a zombie movie. But, in fact my body was practically tinted red from all the blood that dripped from my wounds.  I wasn't really worried about myself but more so about Erica. I mentally slapped myself, BEN SHE COULD 1V1 THE ROCK AND BEAT HIS FINE SHAPED AS* (sorry that comment was necessary).

She pulled off the already ruined grey shirt I was wearing and her face turned red. In fact now that the lights were on I could finally see what she looked like. She had long brown hair and her eyes were beautiful. One green eye the color of pine trees and the other eye was deep and dark like the ocean. She noticed me staring and she smiled softly more blush rising to her cheeks.

"Now. Let's get the stomach wound cleaned." She told me as she grabbed antibiotics. I honestly hopped they were antibiotics. She grabbed them from a drawer with a rainbow on it. Wait, no, never mind, a skull. Boy, Erica really was right about my eye site. She poured some rainbow antibiotic crap on a rag and told me "This will hurt. A lot."

She rubbed the rag on my stomach and I shouted in pain. She hushed me saying it was almost over, but the pain now was worse than before. I gasped because of the pain, it was unbearable but luckily she pulled away the rag.

I groaned my hands clenched and she smiled softly. 

"Bites are the worst. Their teeth are unsanitary, you have to clean the wound or else you die. It hurts much more than anything else." She told me as she started wrapping my wound with gauze. I mumbled "No dip Sherlock they are literal zombies."

"Ah." I gasped as she tightened it. Her hand brushed my bare chest and I knew my face was bright red. Her's was as well but she continued wrapping it.

"All done." She said admiring her work. "Okay. Lets go." I said as I started walking to the door.

"You trusted me Ben." She shouted and I turned and on her face was a sneer. I knew what was happening and when I tell Erica she would judo flip me, again.

"You asked 'Erica'? You seriously think I didn't know. You really are a lousy spy." She taunted and I frowned and sneered back. I smiled and mumbled "If I tell Erica."

"That antibiotic?" She asked and she smiled even bigger "That wasn't antibiotic. Same with the repellent."

"I feel really bad about doing this. Your not bad looking at all." I grinned and said "Thank you!" And with that she reached in her pocket and grabbed a whistle. My eyes went wide and I sprinted to the door. I flung open the door right as she blew into the whistle.

The darkness hurt my eyes and the familiar fear washed over me as I went deeper. I'm in one of those dumb shark cages. Slowly having the waves lap up and in I go. The water swallowing me as I go deeper and deeper. To my fears. Wow, that was deep, anyway right now I'm running from FREAKING ZOMBIES!

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