Do Not Eat Airplane Peanuts

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I DO NOT OWN SPY SCHOOL. I'm also in 9th grade try not to hate on my grammar. 


I sighed as I flipped through a textbook about guns, more specifically, handguns. We had a test next week over it, and I definitely needed a head start. I'm not really into guns, but more so knowledge. I'll leave the weapons to Erica who obviously knew everything about them. She helped me out of many tricky situations, but I helped her too. It's kind of a help relationship (I wish it was more), but she'll come around (I hope). I clicked my tongue as I read about the fire rate, and a annoyed kid started yelling at me to shut up. I glanced up and he immediately shut up. I guess doing tons of missions has its perks.

I shut the textbook finally finished and jolted in surprise to see Erica sitting in front of me. Her face was dead serious her icy blue eyes staring at me.

"Hello to you too." I said as I pushed in the chair I was sitting in.

"Wait." She whispered glancing around, she eventually motioned me to come closer.

I leaned forward and her face somehow became more serious, I didn't even know that was possible. I honestly wasn't paying attention but was staring into her eyes. Her smell of lilacs and gunpowder coming into my nose, I couldn't believe how beautiful she was.

"Okay, you got it." She asked as she raised her eyebrows at me.

"Yeah... but just in case repeat it all for me." I responded as I smiled a guilty grin.

"Ben! This is serious." She yelled, but lowered her voice back to a whisper.

"You've been activated, Operation Camo Gator needs you." She said "In Florida, a millionaire linked to SPYDER is planning a bomb explosion." She nodded her head making sure I was paying attention. I rolled my eyes and she continued on. "We need to get over there now, he's targeting New York. The bomb will blow up the whole state. Explosion is going off in about 5 Days. Get this it's also a level 17 threat."

"What about Cyrus or Alexander?" I asked not in the mood for another stupid mission.

"Cyrus is busy and seriously, my father is a terrible spy." Erica responded clearly annoyed with my question.

"Just us? Not Zoe or Mike?" I asked as I glanced around the library for fellow peers who would be listening in.

"No, I'll explain the rest later." She responded and then looked at me more seriously and asked "Got it?"

"I got it." I responded nodding my head.

"We are leaving in an hour, get ready." She barked sounding like a seal.

I got up out of my chair and smiled at her, in my surprise she smiled back at me too.

I decided I would say goodbye to Zoe and Mike before I left. I ran down the hall to be yelled at by a teacher. I frowned at him but slowed my Sprint to a jog. I heard an explosion but kept running, I guess I was used to it. Besides I blew up the principal's office, soooo... yeah enough said. I raced up the stairs and crashed into someone when I turned a corner. She shouted in surprise, She went flying forward and crashed through a door.

"Great." I mumbled as I walked towards her.

"You find this amusing!?" She grumbled and I realized it was Zoe.

I blushed but she didn't seem amused, then she looked up and her frown turned into a sheepish grin.

"Sorry about that Zoe." I said as I helped her up. I guess me touching her caused her to to start blushing because she hid her face. She just waved me off and started to walk away. I grabbed her arm and pulled her around.

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