Ben's Gift...

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  Sorry for the long wait, I haven't been motivated to write. I just jotted this down, hoping it's good. We had a tornado watch today, so I was stuck indoors. I also watched Troll Hunters, and WOW IS IT GOOD. Anyways, enjoy.


I've never seen anyone like this. Pale and dying, it's scary. I've never felt this emotion ether and I don't like it. Fear is a cowards emotion, not a spy like me.

Ben was on the floor he stared at me. Fearful eyes watching mine and I really hoped mine looked hopeful. His breathing labored and blood slowly oozed down his bare torso. The cuts were long like a tiger decided to make him into it's scratching post.

"Well." Samuel sighed "I do believe we made a deal, and I always follow." I looked over at him stunned. Ben's side was wonky he was in and out of consciousness. I made a deal, he let Ben and I go, we would stay out of his business. Also I wouldn't tell anyone about Cyrus, and why they needed my grandad. Not that I really knew why they needed him. I also wouldn't be following this deal ether.

"Take them up." Samuel grumbled to the guards annoyed about the deal, obviously. But, we wouldn't foil his plans this time. I couldn't believe I made that deal. Ben being hurt really fogged my brain up. Telling them where Cyrus was is a big mistake, and all of it just for Ben.

Taking one more look at my surroundings. Average office meeting room plus evil SPYDER people with masks. I couldn't see anything, every square inch of their body covered with loose fitting clothing. The walls a soft grey and red office chairs. A large TV on one wall and odd abstract paintings along the walls. The guards stepped forward grabbing Ben and I and leading us out.


"Now. Stay out." They growled pushing us out of the front room onto hard concrete. Ben obviously lost consciousness earlier and he slumped to the ground, I pulled myself right back up and pounced on him.

Now, I've always hated physical contact. But this, I wouldn't care if the world exploded. Killing us all, Ben had all my attention. And now I knew I would be craving hugs and attention. His soft breath on my neck and his warm body bellow me. He managed to shakily wrap his arms around me and sighed. His nose tickling my neck and leaving me with goosebumps. Our bodies fitting like a puzzle piece as I savored his body.

"Finally I sighed as I dug myself deeper on his chest. I knew it hurt him, but I couldn't help myself. I pulled myself off of him but he managed to pull me right back down and I continued to hug him. Savoring this moment, his warm lean body against my own. Feeling his smooth skin and his muscles tightening.


Erica just got done squeezing the life out of me, but hey, I enjoyed it. You know me, I loved it, and I had a feeling she did too. Well I couldn't ask, I passed out from her body against my wounds. It hurt but hey I woke up in a comfy bed. Well it was a blanket on the floor but this was the best thing ever! My mouth even tasted like peaches! Another bonus was the heat source lying next to me.

Erica's arm was lazily wrapped around me to make sure I wouldn't leave. And I couldn't really get up, so yay, it works. I passed out again eyes rolling back.

Just so you know I kept coming in and out of consciousness, so skip ahead a week.


"Finally." Erica grumbled as I sat up. I cringed the pain burning. It felt better and looking down it felt better.

"15 days later." Erica told me as she handed me a can of beans.

"I thought it was seven?" Shaking her head she took a bite of her soup. Yeah, see, I'm never right, two whole weeks I was sleeping. I yawned and almost feel back asleep.

Pushing myself up I groaned in pain. I limped to the mirror standing in the corner and finally saw myself. The first thing I noticed, a scar running from the side of my face. Narrowly missing my right eye. I traced it and continued to look. I wasn't deathly pale anymore. Scars ran all over my body, some still healing.

"Thanks, for going out." Erica told me and I couldn't help but smile. "Thanks for fixing me." She shrugged and started filling me in from her side.


"So, are we leaving him alone?" I asked as I continued shoveling food in my mouth. I usually hated corn, but this was the best thing I've had.

"How hard did you hit your head?" She asked and I self consciously rubbed my head. "We're going back."

"Erica!" I protested "I almost died." She growled and faced me. "You lived. My grandad may not."

"I-I'm not." I whispered remembering the pain and fear I felt. Even now it was hard to breathe, I'm not even capable of explaining it.

"Ben." She whispered putting her hand on my shoulders "No." my voice wavered. I pushed her hands away trying to stand up. I growled in pain but took a step forward. My knees buckled and Erica caught me. I looked at her, she smelled terrible. But of course she looked gorgeous. Her eyes twinkling, and I've never seen them like this. Twinkling in happiness and excitement.

"It won't happen, I promise." She whispered and I felt weak. I shouldn't be protected by a girl. She's different, under any other circumstance I would be embarrassed. Erica knew every form of combat and could shoot an apple from a car going 120 mph.

"Fine." I firnly responded, annoyed with myself for agreeing.

"They had a map." She said pulling it from her pocket. Unfolding it and placing it on the table. No structures, lakes, or words were anywhere on it. Instead numbers, arrows, and coordinates filled the page. I knew the first number set, 18543, those zombie thingies. I personally thought that map was too easy to obtain, but hey Erica makes anything look easy. 

Erica was staring directly at me and my mind was blank. I didn't have any ideas and I swallowed in fear.

"Erica." I croaked her eyes narrowed then realization hit her.

"You lost it!" She shouted annoyed and angry. "This was our chance!" She groaned and I frowned "So it's my fault?"

"Can they even do that?" She asked and I shrugged. "I hit my head hard."

"What's 3699 times 7082?" She asked I simply shrugged not knowing the answer. This was the one thing I could do that Erica couldn't! No, I lost it because I hugged a wall.

"This is bad." Erica sighed "This was part of my plan." She grumbled and I sighed "I can't help it."

I really needed to write that hug scene I was really craving that. Should I make mini romantic one-shots? Or action packed one's? Like a few of the dreams for example, but longer and more detailed. Anyways, thanks 

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