Bad to the Bone

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 Yup, finally learned how to do this! Wow, I'm really dumb. Anyway, new part after what, three days maybe? Anyways, thanks for the votes, views, and all that fun stuff. Some of you may be like "Hey WTF this is nothing like Ben, or Erica, or this is not Stuart's writing style." I really don't care this is MY STYLE! With his characters. Anyways you guys should try writing fan fictions. I really want to inspire someone. Comment down below anything that needs to be fixed. Or anything that is really good :) Thanks! 

     "That's sketchy." I mumbled as I walked by a man just wearing underwear. Pro tip, do not go to Walmart late at night.

"What color?" Erica asked, wrinkling my nose I responded with "Don't care."

"Blonde it is." She responded grabbing a hair dye kit. She grabbed a brown kit along with a brush and some hair ties.

Walking past an employee who looked at us. Taking us in, american terrorists is a pretty big deal. We're also at their front door, so that's even worse.

"Come here real quick." He asked straightening his blue jacket. Erica grabbed my hand and pulled me to the exit.

"We gotta pay!" I hissed as the man now started running after us. Erica shook her head and we took off. Running past the exit and outside. The sun just peeking up over the trees.

We pulled ourselves onto the motorcycle. Erics slid her hands around me and I took off. Glancing back I saw the man pull a gun. Instead of firing he pulled out a walkie.

"That's not good." I mumbled as I sped out of the parking lot. I didn't stop at the red light, nor the one after that. I felt guilty... like SPYDER. It felt wrong, but right at the same time. No more chasing or researching to guess the next move. No more wondering and planning the next steps. I make the moves. I control the game. No more guessing. I run, not follow.

"Are you okay?" Erica asked and the heat from her breath smacked me back to reality. "Your smiling weird." I realized a smirk was on my face and instantly wiped it off.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay." I mumbled shifting myself. I passed another red light and Erica soothed "It's okay, you don't need to run them anymore."

"No." I snarled and I sped up. Going well over the speed limit. 50,60,70,80,90... the numbers keep climbing. Erica's arms tightened and I felt her stomach on my back.

"Ben!" She cried but I had no intention of stopping. No longer the good guy, now I control the game. Thinking ahead? Gone. Being hesitant? Nope. Fearing the enemy? Nada. I control the game. Police sirens wailed and that fueled my reign. I'm the king, the rush of adrenaline. Oh yeah, this is awesome! Being bad is go-


"Ben!" Erica ordered "Hold still." She pushed me down. I squirmed and snarled, the enemy wasn't going to capture me.

Opening my eyes I saw Erica, she looked fearful and worried. Her eyes tinted red and realization sunk in. She shot me with the tranquilizer. Geez, Ben your such an idiot. I stopped holding still, and Erica's grip loosened.

"I'm, ah... I." I stuttered sitting up. Being the enemy felt good, but it's not right. The power, oh the power, it felt good. Not being scared. Or worried. Nervous your plan was going to fail. Failure meant death. As a villain you don't feel that. That felt great.

"You acted like Joshua." She said her voice plain. Ice cold and I had to plan what I was going to say. Say the wrong thing she'd kill me, say the right she'd ignore me. Pick your poison.

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