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Two years later...

'Knock, knock!'

Hermione looked up from the pile of books she was sorting. Draco peered at her through the window.

'Come in, the door's open!'

'Hey love,' he said, bending down to kiss her head. 'How's packing going?'

'Almost done. How was the graduation ceremony?'

Draco shrugged, draping his outer robe over the back of a chair. He watched Hermione stack the books inside a box.

'It was fine. The Head Boy gave some long-winded speech that went on a bit, but so it goes.'

'Where's Beastly? Still at Hogwarts?'

'He went straight to the house. He's convinced the builders didn't do a good job cleaning up after themselves!'

'Fair enough. Give me a hand up?'

Draco pulled Hermione to her feet and swept her into a hug.

'I missed you,' he mumbled into her hair.

'I missed you too,' she laughed, kissing his cheek. 'I'm looking forward to getting you to myself all summer long, without having to share you with essay marking and lesson planning!'

'I have to do some planning,' he pointed out. 'After a certain Minister for Magic approved major curriculum changes for the OWLs...'

'Sorry, Professor!' Hermione grinned, ruffling his hair. 'I don't make the rules, I just sign them! Besides, I know you've been overhauling the class ever since Professor Smith decided she wasn't coming back off maternity leave.'


Unknown to everyone, while working at Hogwarts Beastly had recommended Draco to Headmistress McGonagall. The elf convinced her to consider him to temporarily fill the Defence Against the Dark Arts position. With Hermione and Harry's support, Minerva agreed to take a chance on him. Beastly chose to stay at Hogwarts through the school year, coming home with Draco during the summer.

Draco surprised them all, himself included, by how quickly he settled into the role. He took special care to mentor and redirect the students he recognised as being like his younger self. When he was offered the position permanently, he accepted it gladly.

Hermione picked her handbag up off the chair. She shrunk the box of books and shoved it inside. She handed Draco his robe and did the same to the chair. She looked around the empty room, smiling with satisfaction.

'Is that the last of it?'

'Yup! Let's go home,' Hermione said, slinging her bag over her shoulder.

She held her hand out to Draco and he kissed it. Their fingers intertwined, they spun on the spot and apparated away. They arrived outside wrought-iron gates, and strolled through vast gardens. The driveway led to a small cottage.

Draco pushed the door open and they stepped inside. The house smelled of sawdust and fresh paint. They could hear Beastly sweeping and muttering upstairs.

After reviewing the state of Malfoy Manor, Draco had decided it was best to demolish it and start again. Over the last two years he had been slowly rebuilding what he called "a more suitable home".

'Wow, it looks amazing!' Hermione exclaimed. 'Much more welcoming than the Manor used to be.'

'You know,' Draco said, shoving his hands into his pockets. 'I've been thinking...'

'Dangerous pastime!'

'I know,' he smirked. 'I don't think anyone who isn't a Malfoy should be allowed to live at Malfoy Cottage...'

'You kicking me out already?!' Hermione laughed. 'I haven't moved in yet! My boxes are still in my bag!'

'Er, no. Actually.' Draco bent down on one knee and pulled a tiny box from his pocket. 'I'm asking you to marry me.'

Hermione's hands flew to her mouth as she stared at the diamond ring. Draco smiled nervously at her. She threw her arms around him, knocking them both to the floor as she kissed him.

'So...is that a yes...?'

'What do you think?!'

The End

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