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They stood in the garden, surrounded by wildflowers. Hermione watched Draco's movements as they practised the wand motion.

'Smaller circles. No. Smaller. Move your wrist, not your whole arm. Perfect. You want to give it a go?'

Draco took a deep breath and shook the tension out of his shoulders. He nodded.

'Ok. Now close your eyes. Think of your happiest memory. Let it fill you up. When you're ready, cast the spell. Just like we practiced.'

Draco stared up at the enchanted ceiling, magicked to reflect the starry sky outside. Candles floated throughout the Great Hall. The light flickered on the faces of watching students. A silver-haired wizard caught his gaze and smiled. Draco frowned. Father said Dumbledore was a crackpot.

'Malfoy, Draco,' an old woman called, remnants of a Scottish accent in her voice.

Draco gulped and straightened his posture. Plastering a smirk on his face, he swaggered up to the witch. Internally, he shrank away from her stern expression. He was careful not to let it show.

Sitting smartly upright, Draco perched on the stool. The witch held the filthy Sorting Hat over him.

'SLYTHERIN!' It cried, barely touching his head.

The Slytherin table burst into cheers and applause. Draco strutted over to them, swelling with pride. He sank into an empty space in relief. He couldn't wait to write home. Father would be so pleased.

'Expecto Patronum!'

Draco opened his eyes. Nothing happened.


'It's ok,' Hermione said. 'No-one gets it the first time. Maybe try a different memory?'

'Ok, sure. Let me think.'

'Welcome to the team!' Marcus said, clapping Draco on the back.

Draco beamed at the Quidditch captain. He was still clutching the practice snitch. It fluttered against his fingers.

The other boys on the Slytherin team shook his hand. Draco basked in their smiling attention.

He rushed up to the owlery as soon as try-outs were over. His large owl nibbled his ear playfully, then soared into the sky with his good news.

The next evening a delivery arrived at Hogwarts. The whole Slytherin house gathered around in the common room, admiring the team's new brooms.

'Three cheers for Malfoy!' Marcus cried over the hubbub, waving his Nimbus 2001 in the air.

Draco blushed as the cheers rattled the furniture. His father always insisted he have the best.

'What on earth is going on here?' Professor Snape burst into the common room, cloak billowing.

'Look what Mr Malfoy sent!' One student shouted.

'We'll get the Quidditch Cup back for sure this year,' yelled another.

'Expecto Patronum!'

Draco kept his eyes squeezed shut.

'Sorry, still nothing.'

'Bugger! Ok, ok. Let me try again.'

Draco was sat quietly eating breakfast. His father was at the head of the table, hidden behind a newspaper. Mother was still asleep.

An owl tapped at the window. Beastly hurried to collect the letter. The owl hooted softly then flew away. Beastly handed it silently to Lucius.

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