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A long silence stretched between them.

'What?' Hermione stuttered. 'Are you...are you...what are you?'

'I'm not dangerous,' Draco whispered. 'I promise.'

'I...I...I don't know what to say.'

'I thought Potter told you.'

'No, he...Harry knew?!' Hermione paced as she processed the information. 'What...what...just what?!'

'I'm cursed,' Draco shifted uncomfortably. 'That rose, the one in the West Wing. I touched it. Mother couldn't stop me in time.'


A silver stag burst through the wall, glowing incandescently.

'Let me in right now Malfoy,' Harry's voice snapped from the patronus.

'You just had to tell him,' Draco groaned. 'Beastly, go get Potter from the front gate.'

Beastly disappeared, then soon reappeared with Harry.

'What the hell is going on here?!' Harry hissed, his green eyes flashing. 'Two days, two days she's been here and she's already been attacked!'

Draco shrank back from Harry's anger, his fingers searching the bedsheets for his missing wand.

'She was supposed to be safer here!' Harry yelled, stepping forward menacingly. 'We kept her safe for months and you couldn't even manage two days!'

'Harry, that's enough.' Hermione said firmly, stepping between them. 'It was my fault. I was an idiot. Malfoy rescued me.'

'What the hell were you thinking?!' Harry roared.

'I...I wasn't. I'm sorry.' Hermione hung her head, a tear trickling down her cheek.

'Are you ok?' Harry asked Draco brusquely.

'Never better,' Draco replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

'Harry, could I speak with you a minute?' Hermione's voice was small.

She tugged Harry out into the hall, away from Draco's room.

'Hermione,' Harry ran his hand through his messy hair. 'What were you think-'

'Why didn't you tell me?'


'About Malfoy's...condition. Why didn't you tell me?'

'Oh. That. Er, it's confidential information. Didn't seem right to tell.'

'How long have you known?'

'Since it happened. Shortly after the war.'


'I told you, he's been closely monitored. Bit hard to miss, a huge gold beast roaming around.' Harry laughed awkwardly.


'Look, it's his story to tell. Not mine. I don't know all the details, anyway. But I do know that if anyone can help him find a cure, it's you. That's why he agreed to hide you here. He hopes you can help him, before it's too late.'

'Too late? What?'

'I've got to go,' Harry pulled her into a hug. 'I've got captured wizards to process. Stay safe, ok?'

'Ok,' Hermione agreed, sadly. 'How's the hunt going?'

'A lot better now you've delivered me five New Order soldiers. But if you send me anymore I'll...I'll set Molly on you!'

'You wouldn't!' Hermione gasped, imagining Mrs Weasley's motherly wrath.

'Just watch me,' Harry kissed the top of her head. 'I'll see myself out. You've got a grouchy patient to see to.'


A/N: I just love the relationship between Harry and Hermione. They're like the siblings they never had. It's so much fun to write! Sorry this is only a short chapter, hope you liked it anyway. Don't forget to vote, if you enjoyed it! Much love, Charli

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