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The next week dragged by. Hermione slowly started to talk more, but mostly she was in her room reading the books Harry had left for her.

Late one afternoon, she carried a pizza into the living room for their dinner. Draco was sat on the edge of the sofa, a PlayStation controller in his hand. His tongue was sticking out as he concentrated. Hermione giggled, watching him move from side to side as he steered the little, purple dragon.

'You know,' she said, 'it doesn't actually help him fly better if you jump up or lean forward...'

'Moral support,' he muttered, squinting at the screen. 'That bloody little egg thief, get back here! Go dragon-friend, go!'

'Dear lord, we've created a gamer. Who would have guessed?!'

Hermione sat the pizza down and flopped onto the sofa. She had just bitten into her slice when there was a knock at the door. Both of them froze. Draco paused the game and Hermione put her pizza back onto the plate.

'Looks like Harry's polyjuice person,' Hermione said, peering through the curtain.

'Password?' Draco called through the door.

'Hungry, Hungry Hippos,' Harry's muffled voice said.

'Where did we meet for the first time?'

'Madam Malkin's. Now let me in, it's raining buckets out here!'

Hermione nodded and Draco unlocked the door. Harry rushed inside, shivering and dripping onto the carpet. Hermione dashed off to get him a towel and dry clothes.

'Been up to much?' Harry asked, wiping off his glasses.

'Not really. We mostly just chill and watch the Netflix.'

'...excuse me?!'

'Um, we watch the Netflix and chill?'

Harry rounded on Hermione as she walked into the room, pointing an accusing finger at Draco.

'He says you two Netflix and chill!'

Hermione looked from Harry's face, which was turning purple, to Draco's expression of nervous confusion. She threw her head back and laughed, alarming Draco further. She howled until tears rolled down her cheeks.

'I'm sorry,' she gasped, clutching her sides. 'That's the funniest thing I've heard in...I don't even know! Oh my God!'

'Care to clue me in on the joke...?' Draco asked, smiling despite himself.

'Oh my!' Hermione wiped her eyes, chortling. 'In the muggle world, "Netflix and Chill" is a euphemism.'

Draco's eyes grew wide as understanding dawned. Harry slowly relaxed, no longer shooting murderous glanced at Draco.

'You staying long?' Hermione asked Harry as he towelled his hair. 'Draco can go put another pizza in the oven.'

'Nah, this is just a quick visit. I'm off to France in the morning. I'm heading up a joint task force with the European Ministry to track down the last of the bastards.'

Hermione nodded, a fierce gleam in her eyes. Draco could see her wishing she could go too.

'What if something happens to you?' Draco asked.

'Worried for my welfare, Malfoy?'

'Nah, I'm worried about mine! How will anyone know how to find us?!'

'Ginny knows to notify Minerva. She knows to tell Beastly. He'll come and get you when it's safe.'

'Oh. That's ok then,' Draco nodded. 'I was a little worried for Hermione's sake too, obviously. Not just about myself.'

'We all know you'd miss him,' Hermione teased. Her voice was strained, but her tone was light.

Harry and Draco pulled identical faces at her. She giggled and finished her piece of pizza. Harry gulped some polyjuice potion from a hip-flask, grimacing at the taste.

'Alright, best be off.' Harry pulled Hermione into a hug. 'I'll be back soon. Try not to worry too much, Ok? I got plenty of practice at this kind of thing after the War.'

'I know,' she mumbled into his shirt. 'Stay safe!'

Harry waved to them both and stepped out into the rain.

'So,' Draco said, breaking the silence. 'Can you teach me more muggle euphemisms to freak Potter out with?'

Hermione laughed and rolled her eyes. Draco grinned and picked up the PlayStation controller. He was soon absorbed in the game again.


A/N: Hmm, these chapters are turning into more of a sitcom than a "wrapping up my story". Oops! We're meandering towards the end, honest! I'm just far too reluctant to let go, I think. I'm trying not to get massively off track, though! What are your thoughts - am I getting too far from the tone/premise of the story, or is this making sense/working? Let me know what you think! Much love, Charli

Cursed [Dramione/Beauty & The Beast]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon