A Single Rose

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The Wizarding War is won, and the Dark Lord defeated.

Families have been torn apart on both sides.

The Wizarding community is being reborn, rising from the ashes of despair...


Draco groaned as the afternoon sun poured through his window. Still in his clothes, he dragged himself out of bed. His stomach lurched from a few too many drinks the night before.

Tripping on an empty bottle of firewhiskey, he kicked it away. It smashed against his bedroom wall, the sound crashing into his throbbing head.

'Draco? Are you ok?' His mother's voice floated down the hallway.

'I'm fine,' he said, stalking out of the room. 'I don't understand why we have to do this, mother.'

'You know why, Draco,' Narcissa sighed. 'The Ministry seized most of our vaults. We need to sell what we can, and destroy as many dark artifacts as possible.'

'Father would go ballistic,' he muttered, folding his arms belligerently.

'Your father isn't here,' Narcissa said, her voice catching. She visibly swallowed her emotions, standing straighter. 'I wrote to him in Azkaban, and he agreed it's best. If the Ministry finds any reason to suspect us of returning to the old ways, we'll be locked up on that godforsaken island with him. Now, you take the West Wing and I'll start in the East. If you don't know what something is, don't touch it. Understood?'

'Yes mother,' Draco rolled his eyes and trudged away.


Hours passed and the day faded into night. Mangled objects surrounded Draco as he slouched on the sofa.

'This is house-elf work,' he grumbled, flicking sparks out of his wand.

The light he was casting glittered on something. It was inside a cabinet he had yet to open. Intrigue prickled through his boredom. He heaved himself to his feet and wrenched open the door.

Inside, a glass case shimmered in the dim light. Beautiful music hummed in his ears, dulling his senses. He lifted away the case to reveal a single rose, suspended in the air. The music twisted inside his mind, and he stretched out his hand.

'Draco!' A faraway voice called to him, lost in the beautiful melody. 'Don't! Draco! NO!'

Narcissa rushed into the room in time to see Draco prick his finger on a thorn, and collapse onto the floor.


Author's Note: Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this first chapter! Much love, Charli

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