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A jabbing sensation in her arm pulled Hermione from sleep. Waking in an unfamiliar place, with a shadow standing over her, she was instantly on her feet. Her wand spat sparks as she pointed it at the figure.

There was a loud crashing as a tray tumbled from Beastly's hands. He tripped backwards, hands raised to protect his face.

'I'm sorry!' Hermione gasped, shoving her wand away. ' startled me. I didn't mean to...I'm sorry!'

'Beastly is sorry, Miss,' he whimpered. 'Beastly didn't mean to scare Miss. Beastly was just bringing Miss her breakfast and...and Miss didn't answer the door.'

Beastly snapped his fingers and the mess of food and broken plates disappeared.

'That's very kind, thank you,' Hermione smiled reassuringly, her heart-rate slowly returning to normal. 'I'll make myself some more. Perhaps you could show me the way to the kitchen? I don't want to trouble you.'

'It's no trouble, Miss,' Beastly shook his head emphatically, ears waving. 'Does...does Miss not like her bed?'

'Oh! Yes, I love it. I just...fell'

Hermione blushed as she gathered up the covers and started to make the bed. Beastly snapped his fingers again, and the sheets settled perfectly into place.

'Thank you,' Hermione said. 'This is a lovely room.'

'Beastly prepared it for Miss. Master says Miss will be our guest. Master tells Beastly to clean the room and bring in many bookshelves for Miss.'

'You did a great job, thank you Beastly. And I love the bookshelves!' Hermione gestured to them, overflowing with the books she brought.

'Beastly will prepare Miss her breakfast. Will Miss be eating in the dining room?'

'Er, sure? Only I don't know how to get there?'

'Beastly will come and get Miss.'

'Great! Thanks, I appreciate it.'

After Beastly left, Hermione dashed into the bathroom to get ready. Glancing in the cracked mirror, she saw her hair was sticking up at odd angles from sleeping on the floor. She pulled it back into a pony-tail, wincing as her fingers caught in her curls.

Hermione rubbed moisturiser into her skin, the colour deepening to a coppery brown. Her breath hitched as her fingers ran over the bumpy mess of scars on her forearm. She splashed cold water on her face, willing herself to hold it together.

The sun was pouring through the bedroom window, bright in a cloudless sky. Beastly knocked on the door as Hermione was pulling a white top over her head.

'Just a sec!' She called, fastening her skirt and slipping her feet into a pair of black pumps.

Smoothing the blue fabric with shaking hands, Hermione stepped out into the hallway. She shivered, the manor seemed so cold and dark. Her house was always filled with light, and she felt a brief stab of homesickness.

'This way, Miss,' Beastly squeaked, gesturing down the long corridor.

Hermione could feel eyes watching her as they passed portraits of the Malfoy ancestors. The paintings sneered at her, whispers following them through the house.

The dining room had a long oak table with several chairs. Most of the chairs were covered in a layer of dust. A grimy chandelier hung overhead, several of the crystals missing from it. Hermione sat at the head of the table, a lavish feast laid out before her.

'Is this all for me?! I couldn't possibly eat all that!'

'Yes Miss, Master has already eaten.'

Beastly tried to spread a cloth on Hermione's lap, but she plucked it from his fingers.

'I can do that, thank you,' she smiled, awkwardly.

'Very well Miss, Beastly will come and clean up once Miss is finished.'

'Oh, if you point me in the direction of the kitchen, I can do the dishes!'

Beastly frowned and stomped out of the room. Hermione sighed and started heaping food onto her plate.


Hermione dabbed the corners of her mouth with her napkin. She had barely made a dent in the piles of food.

'What did you do to my house-elf?' Draco stood in the doorway, a scowl marring his pale face.

'What? I didn't do anything!'

'He's all in a dither about something. He better not burn my lunch!'

'Is that all he is to you?! A slave at your beck and call?! He's a living being with feelings!'

'Oh, for fucks sake,' Draco growled, running his hands through his hair. 'No wonder he's upset. How much of that did you say to him?!'

'None!' Hermione snapped. 'Why, you worried your slave might realise he actually has rights?! The last thing I said to him was offer to do the dishes!'

'Merlin's balls,' Draco groaned. 'What else did you tell him you'd do yourself?'

'I wanted to make my own breakfast, and he wouldn't let me make my bed, but I tried. What's wrong with that?!'

'It's unnerving for him, to be a servant who's not serving. House-elves, they don't feel...whole without someone to wait upon.'

'That's bullshit!'

'That's life. So just...let him do his job, ok?'

Hermione threw her hands up in disgust and stomped past Draco, back to her room. She heard him sigh in frustration behind her.


A/N: How many Easter eggs did you spot in this chapter? Let me know in the comments! Much love, Charli

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