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They were walking up the driveway towards the front of the manor, when Draco felt Hermione start to shake.

'No. Nononono.' Hermione whimpered. 'No. Please, no!'

'Granger? What's wrong?!'

Hermione's eyes were wide, her whole body tense. Her nails were digging into the arm he had wrapped around her.

Draco followed her gaze, locked onto the manor towering above them. A memory stirred at the back of his mind.

Draco watched from the window as the Snatchers dragged three people up his driveway. A girl was fighting against the ropes, shaking in Fenrir's grasp.

Draco felt his insides freeze as he recognised Hermione and Ron. The other boy with them had to be Harry, although his face was swollen and misshapen.

'Shit,' Draco muttered. 'Ok. It's alright. Ouch! Granger, that hurt!'

Hermione cringed away from his voice, tears streaming down her cheeks. Her breathing came in short, shallow gasps.

Draco tugged her away from the path, breaking her view of the manor. They walked through the grass to an area overgrown with wildflowers. With his free hand, Draco conjured a small sofa.

'Shhh, it's ok,' he murmured, his voice low and soothing. 'You're alright. No, I'm sorry, I can't let go, not in this state. You'll run away again. C'mon, sit down. That's it. It's ok. Just take big, deep breaths. Deep breaths, that's right. Good job. And another one. Just focus on breathing, that's right.'

Hermione gulped for air. Draco encouraged her to breathe slowly, holding each breath for a moment. He stroked her back as she did so. He kept talking quietly, his tone gentle.

'That's great,' he reassured her. 'You're doing so well.'

After several long minutes, Draco could feel her slowly relaxing. She had stopped shaking, and the colour was returning to her tear-stained face.

'I'm sorry,' Hermione hiccuped. 'I don't...I don't know...'

'It's ok.'

'It was just the thing with the tree...then walking up there made me re-re-remember...'

'I know,' Draco said, stroking her hair as she sobbed into his shoulder. 'I should have realised. That was thoughtless of me, I'm sorry.'

'S'not your fault,' Hermione mumbled, her voice muffled in his shirt.

'Should we have another picnic? Out here?'

'That would be nice,' Hermione smiled, wiping her eyes on her sleeve.

Draco produced a handkerchief from his pocket.

'Thank you.'

'You're welcome. I'll go help Beastly pack up lunch. Will you be ok?'

'Yeah, I think so,' Hermione looked around at the flowers blooming nearby. 'Here's lovely, I'll be fine.'


Draco returned to find Hermione sat in the grass. A silvery otter was dancing around her in a sparkling stream of light.

'Is that your patronus?'

Hermione jumped and the otter disappeared.

'Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.'

'It's fine, you just startled me is all. Lunch smells great! Was Beastly ok with the change of plan?'

'Yeah, he was cool about it,' Draco passed Hermione the basket as he laid out a blanket. 'Could you teach me to cast one of those?'

'A patronus? Yeah, I could try,' Hermione said, helping to set out the plates. 'I'm not sure how good a teacher I'd be, though.'

'Why's that?'

'I actually struggled with mastering it-'

'You struggled with a spell?! Bullshit!'

'No, really!' Hermione laughed. 'A patronus is like...a physical burst of emotion. Harry and Ron, they wear their hearts on their sleeve. If they feel an emotion then they feel it totally. That's normally their problem. But it means that a patronus is easier for them. I control my thoughts and feelings more, so I find it harder.'

'How does it work?'

'It's powered by happy memories. The happiest and strongest one you have.'

'Oh.' Draco looked crestfallen.

' could think on it for a bit? See what memories you come up with? I'd recommend thinking of a few different ones, in case one doesn't work out. Then if you still want to learn, let me know?'

'Yeah...yeah, sounds like a plan. Sandwich?'

Hermione's fingers brushed against his as she picked up the offered food. Her heart clenched at the sadness in his eyes.


A/N: I know nothing about panic attacks, and I know her recovery is too swift. If you have any feedback on how I can make Hermione's panic attack more realistic and representative, that would be great! Though obviously not great that you've experienced such things. Otherwise, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'd love it if you voted! Much love, Charli

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