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Draco found Hermione in the greenhouse later that day.

'Knock knock,' he called out.

'Oh, hi!' Hermione brushed hair out of her face, leaving a trail of dirt across her forehead. 'Is it ok for me to be in here? I don't meant to intrude...'

She was sat on the floor, surrounded by plant pots. Shards of pottery were spread out in front of her, as she tried to mend them.

'That's fine,' Draco assured her, 'I just came to...who's talking?'

A disembodied, monotone voice was reciting the ingredients to a potion.

'Sorry, yes! It's the book I'm reading.'

The book was propped up on a nearby table, each word glowing gold as the voice read it aloud.

'Finite,' Hermione called, and it cut off.

'How did you do that?'

'Oh, it's a spell I came up with years ago. I was inspired by muggle technology, actually. They have these things called audio books, you know. They can listen to a book while they drive, or wash the dishes! It's fascinating what muggles have invented. And on their computers, programs can read out what's been written. It's great for when I need to multi-task. Sometimes I think better when my hands are busy doing something else. Like this!'

Hermione gestured around the greenhouse. The floor was swept of debris, and panes of glass were propped up against a table ready to be repaired and put back.

'You never cease to surprise me, Granger,' Draco smiled. 'Anyway, since it's such a lovely day, I came to see if you wanted a picnic?'

'Yeah, sure!'

Draco helped pull Hermione to her feet, catching her when she stumbled.

'Sorry, legs went numb,' she muttered, brushing the soil off Draco's shirt.

'It's fine,' he shrugged, grabbing a picnic basket from outside the greenhouse.

Draco led Hermione through the gardens. They stopped at a grove of trees, the branches providing shade from the sun. Hermione quickly tried to brush the soil off her jeans, before sitting on the blanket Draco laid out.

'Pumpkin juice or butterbeer?'

'Ummm...butterbeer please.'

Draco twisted the top off two bottles and handed one to Hermione. Beastly had provided huge platters of sandwiches, sausage rolls, and cakes.

'I always feel bad leaving food,' Hermione commented, piling up her plate. 'But there's so much of it!'

'Beastly's showing off,' Draco grinned. 'He doesn't get to cook for company...well, ever. He freezes the leftovers, though, so don't worry about waste.'

'Oh good! I was worrying they'd have to roll me home if I kept trying to eat it all!'

'Don't worry, I'll let you know if you're getting fat,' Draco smirked, his gaze dropping to the curves under her tank top.

'Gee, thanks,' Hermione rolled her eyes, throwing an uneaten sausage roll at him.

'Thanks! Saved me reaching for one,' Draco winked and popped it into his mouth.


Hermione sat with her back against a tree with a book in her lap. Her eyes fluttered closed. Draco was laid in the grass, watching the clouds through the leaves.

'Huh?' Hermione jerked awake, blinking dazedly.

'Sorry, I didn't realise you were asleep.'

'It's fine,' she yawned. 'What did you say?'

'I said I was sorry for earlier. For giving you a hard time about the Weasel. I didn't mean to upset you.'

'Oh, that. Don't worry about it. I overreacted. I'm sorry too.'

'No need for you to apologise,' Draco protested. 'And I won't be offended if you want to go for a nap, y'know.'

'I don't mean to keep falling asleep, honest!' Hermione smiled, scrubbing her eyes. 'I've just not been sleeping well lately.'

'Can't imagine why,' Draco said, drily. 'Not like you're being hunted down, constantly on alert, stuck living in a derelict old manor where you suffered horrifically...'

Hermione shivered, her mind filling with the sound of Bellatrix's cold laughter. She busied herself, picking up the book that had tumbled into the grass.

'Sorry. Again.' Draco frowned, seeing the colour had drained from Hermione's cheeks. 'I really need to learn not to put my foot in it.'

'It's fine,' Hermione smiled, wobbly. 'This place isn't as bad as I thought it'd be. It hardly looks how I remember. That helps.'

'Glad its slow decay has a positive side,' Draco quipped, helping gather up the books and picnic.

'What happened to this place? How did it get like this?'

'Time. Nature.' Draco shrugged. 'Lack of funds to do anything about it. After father was arrested, the Ministry seized most of our vaults. Mother sold everything she could, but a lot of what we had went on the best healers and curse-breakers money could buy. Not that it helped.'

'Didn't the Ministry give your vaults back?'

'Eventually. Most went to paying off the remaining healers' bills. I'm trying to eke out what's left on food and basic necessities. Bit hard to get a job when I can't leave the grounds!'

Hermione patted his arm, snatching her hand away when he hissed in pain.

'I could probably do a better job keeping the gardens tidy, and the manor clean's hard to stay motivated. I feel like I'm letting mother down, allowing her beloved gardens to look like this, but doing it without her hurts.'

'I could help?' Hermione suggested, her voice quiet. 'I like gardening, and I'm not too bad with cleaning spells either. I mean, if you want.'

'Sure. Yeah, I'd appreciate that. But...don't feel like you have to. Me and Beastly, we manage.'

'Don't be daft, I'm happy to lend a hand. Like you said, it's my home too for now!'


A/N: I love the concept of picnics, but eating outside with the bugs is one of my least favourite things. Along with gardening. Guess I'm breaking the rule of "write what you know"! What about you, do you like gardening? Tell me about your favourite flowers! Much love, Charli

Cursed [Dramione/Beauty & The Beast]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora