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Draco shuddered as he swallowed a thick, gloopy liquid. Beastly handed him a tumbler of firewhisky. He knocked it back, burning away the taste of the vile drink.

'Thank you, Bea-'

A familiar melody echoed through the house. Goosebumps rippled across Draco's skin. The glass tumbled out of his hand and shattered on the floor.

'That insufferable, meddling witch,' Draco groaned, sprinting out of the kitchen. He took the stairs several at a time. 'Granger! DON'T TOUCH IT!'

His lungs burning, Draco threw the parlour door open. Hermione's face was blank, her hand outstretched towards the rose.

'GET AWAY FROM THERE!' Draco bellowed, straining to be heard over the bewitching music.

With a blast of his wand, Draco flung Hermione away from the cupboard. She crashed into the far wall.

'WHAT THE FUCK, GRANGER?!' Draco shouted, slamming the cupboard door closed with a twitch of his wand. 'What part of "stay out of the West Wing" was so difficult to understand?!'

' attacked me!' Hermione gasped, her eyes wide as she stared up at Draco.

'What? No, you don't underst-'

'Get away from me!' Hermione shoved Draco aside and fled the room.

A few moments later, he heard the front door creak open. Glancing out of the window, Draco saw Hermione running down the driveway.

'Bloody hell,' Draco moaned. 'Potter is going to kill me.'

Draco ran through the house, cursing the anti-apparation charms that covered the property.

'Get back here!' He yelled, shooting spells at Hermione in an attempt to slow her down.

With a frightened glance over her shoulder, Hermione slipped through the gate.


Overhead, a group of wizards spotted the young witch come running out into the road.

Hermione leaned against the crumbling wall, gasping for breath. Checking for muggles, she attempted to apparate away. Nothing happened.

'Dammit,' Hermione hissed. Doing some rapid calculations in her head, she guesstimated the anti-apparation charms would only reach another quarter of a mile. 'Better get walking, then.'

'Well, well, if it isn't the mudblood,' a voice sneered, turning Hermione's insides to ice. 'We've been wondering where Potter had you hidden away.'

Five cloaked wizards stepped smoothly off their brooms, white masks covering their faces. They each had their wands trained on Hermione. She stood very still, eyes flicking from the masked figures to her surroundings. In a fluid motion, she dodged aside and leaped behind a large boulder. Curses blasted into the stone, sending chips flying.

Hermione took a deep breath, then peered out. She fired off several spells in quick succession, knocking two of the slower wizards off their feet. A streak of red hit another wizard from behind and he crumpled. Hermione saw Draco stood behind his gate, shooting at the attackers.

In the sudden confusion, Hermione stupefied another of the cloaked men.

'Get the girl!' One of the fallen men yelled, hauling himself upright.

Hermione screamed as the fifth man grabbed her from behind, knocking her wand away. He jabbed his wand into her throat.

'Granger!' Draco yelled. He wavered at the gate, seemingly hesitant to step out.

Cursed [Dramione/Beauty & The Beast]Where stories live. Discover now