Happy Returns

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'Yeah, I think I knew that,' Harry said. The mirror showed his office ceiling as he worked and talked. 'Pretty sure I got Shakespeare's chocolate frog card once. Didn't realise he was a Ravenclaw though, that's pretty cool.'

'I feel so out of the loop!' Hermione complained.

'I just assume most people are wizards, if I'm honest. Especially since finding out about Morgan Freeman. Someone could tell me Queen Elizabeth's a witch and I wouldn't be surprised anymore!'

'I bet she is,' Hermione mused. 'She's the longest living monarch, and we do live longer than muggles...'

'What House d'ya reckon she was in?'

'I don't think she went to Hogwarts. I bet she went to Beauxbatons. But if she had, she'd have been a Slytherin. Hands down.'

'Hmm, good call. I totally buy it. So do you think the royals have all been magical?'

'Ooh, good question.' Hermione paused to think. 'They're probably an old pureblood line, which would explain all that awkward intermarrying. I don't think Henry VIII was magical. I bet he was a squib, and that's why he was so angry and killed so many of his wives. They were probably witches and he was jealous.'

'Interesting theory, I love it!' Harry laughed.

'Anyway, back to why I called. Any thoughts on the passage I found?'

'Well, I'm no good at riddles, but I think you're right. It sounds very similar to what happened to me. Only instead of sacrificial protection, it would be a cure. From what I know about curses, that would fit. The fix is always as terrible as the curse itself. Dark wizards like no-win situations.'

'Fantastic,' Hermione sighed. 'Well, at least it gives me a new angle for my research.'

'Atta girl, keep on looking at the bright side.'

'I can't let him down, Harry,' she said quietly. 'I just can't.'

'You won't. You'll figure it out and make us all look stupid for not getting you on the case years ago.'

Hermione laughed. It was a soft, sad sound, but a laugh all the same.

'I hope you're right, I'll never forgive myself if I don't. Or you, for getting me involved in this mess!'

'I know, and I'm sorry. I know this is tough for you. I'm very proud of how you're handling everything, have I told you that?'

'You haven't, and you don't need to. I appreciate you saying it, though.'

A jangling sound came from Harry's office.

'I'm sorry Hermione, I've got to go. Kingsley's on the phone.'

'No worries, talk to you soon. Love you!'

'Love you too, bye!'

Hermione sighed as the image in the mirror faded. Her own face stared back at her. There were shadows under her dark eyes, her lips pulled down in a frown.

She dropped the mirror onto the sheets and flopped onto the bed.


Draco stood on a ladder, scrubbing a stain on one of the windows. Beastly was mopping the ballroom floor, while a cloth dusted the chandeliers.

'Why did I agree to this?!' Draco muttered. 'Am I crazy, Beastly?'

The elf looked up at him, his wrinkled face confused.

'No, Master is not crazy.'

'Then why am I doing this?!'

'Because it makes Miss happy.'

'I thought my birthday was supposed to make me happy,' Draco grumbled.

'Miss does Master happy,' Beastly said, as though it was obvious.

Draco turned back to the window, scrubbing the glass hard as his face burned. Beastly shrugged and kept mopping.


The morning of Draco's birthday dawned clear and bright.

Hermione hurried down to breakfast, a small parcel in her hand. She was surprised to find the table was only set for one.

'Uh, Beastly?'

'Yes, Miss?'

'Is Draco not coming to breakfast?'

'Master is having breakfast in bed. Master always does.'

'Oh,' Hermione fidgeted with her fork. 'Do you think he'll mind if I join him?'

'Beastly thinks Master would like that. Beastly will bring Miss a tray.'

Hermione took a deep breath, her heart beating uncomfortably. She grabbed the parcel and marched off to Draco's room. She paused outside, taking another few breaths, then knocked.

'Come in,' Draco mumbled.

Hermione pushed the door open. She saw dark blue dress robes hanging on his wardrobe door. Draco was sat in bed, frowning at his half-eaten plate.

'Hey you, happy birthday!'

'Thanks,' he smiled weakly. 'Sorry I missed breakfast.'

'It's fine, Beastly told me where you were. Is it ok if I join you?'


Hermione perched in the chair by the window. Beastly appeared with her breakfast. She smiled her thanks and balanced the tray on her knees.

'I brought you something,' she said. 'Catch!'

Draco's hand shot out and he plucked the present out of the air.

'Nice!' Hermione smiled. 'Those Seeker reflexes haven't dulled over the years, have they?!'

Draco shrugged. He stared dully at the gift, wrapped in old newspapers.

'You can open it, you know,' Hermione laughed awkwardly.

'Oh. Yeah. Sorry.'

Draco tore off the paper. A bag of sweets tumbled onto his bed.

'Thank you!' He smiled at Hermione. 'How did you get these?'

'I brought snacks with me, in my suitcase. Beastly told me they're your favourite. Just sheer luck I had an unopened bag.'

'That's really kind of you. Thank you. I don't get many presents these days. Not since Mother passed.'

'Well, we'll have to make up for that next year, won't we?'

'If there is a "next year",' Draco sighed.

He pushed some scrambled egg around his plate. Hermione ate quietly, the heavy silence weighing on them both.

'So...do you normally do much for your birthday?'

'Oh yeah, I go out and tear up the town,' Draco sneered.

Hermione raised an eyebrow at him.

'Beastly makes me all my favourite foods. That's about it. I usually stay in bed and try to forget what day it is.'

'Well...if you want to stay here and ignore today, that's fine...'

'Nah, can't do that. There's a grand ball tonight, hadn't you heard?!'

'I'd heard a rumour along those lines, yes,' Hermione smiled. 'I can stay here and keep you company until it's time to get ready?'

'I'd like that.'

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