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Before they knew it, Draco and Hermione had been living in the little house for a month. They fell into a comfortable routine, and Draco learned more about the muggle world each day. He had a fascination with the ingenious ideas muggles had. His interest in it surprised them both and showed Hermione a new depth to him.

They were playing Hermione's favourite dancing video game one afternoon. Her co-ordination wasn't great but she enjoyed how much fun and laughter it generated. Draco always finished with double her score, crediting his Quidditch skills for his success.

A shrill alarm sounded through the house. Hermione dropped the game controller and ran into the kitchen. Smoke was pouring out from under the grill.


She grabbed the food as Draco started opening windows and doors.

'I'm sorry,' she moaned, flapping a towel at the smoke detector until it stopped beeping. 'I haven't cooked the muggle way in years. I was never that good at it to start with!'

'Shit happens,' Draco shrugged. 'It's still edible. We can just scrape the burnt bits off. Nothing a bit of barbecue sauce can't fix!'

'You really should take over cooking duties. You're better at it than me!'

'All credit goes to my teacher, surely.'

Hermione raised an eyebrow, looking pointedly at their charred dinner. Draco smiled charmingly.

'Don't sweat it, Granger. You can't be perfect. You're intimidating enough as it is!'

'Either way,' Hermione laughed, 'I quit! you and Google have got it from here!'

'That's fine,' Draco said. 'I'll just Pinterest it.'

Hermione shook her head incredulously. Draco winked at her as he plated up their food.

'It's still weird hearing you say stuff like that, you know.'


'What? No!' Hermione looked horrified. 'That's just...no!'


'Argh! Stop!'


'Draco Malfoy! Stop it at once!'

'Sad face emoji.'

Hermione threw her hands up and stomped out of the room. She could hear Draco cackling behind her. He followed her into the living room, carrying their plates. Hermione turned off the game and switched it to Netflix. They settled comfortably onto the sofa as she flicked through the options.

'Mmm,' Draco said, pointing with his fork. 'That one!'

'Don't talk with your mouthful, it's rude.'

'Sorry, mother. Put that one on, please.'

Hermione clicked onto the TV show Draco was gesturing at. The next episode started to play, the theme music filling the room. They ate in silence, engrossed in the story. After they finished, Draco took the plates away and came back with a mug of tea each.

'Here you go,' he said. 'Milk, one sugar.'

'Ah, thank you!'

Draco sat back down as Hermione hit "Next Episode". 

'Hey, Granger?'


'I need to tell you something. It's really important.'

'Ok,' Hermione paused the show and put her mug down. 'What's wrong?'

'It's...It's about that night at the Manor. It's...well, it's more of a confession, really...'

'Go on?'

'I just wanted to tell you that...I mean, I think it's important for you to know...that...'


'That was the absolute worst birthday ever.'

Hermione's worried expression faded into irritation, then a rueful smile spread across her face. She smacked Draco on the arm as he laughed.

'You're the absolute worst!' She cried. 'We'll just have to make sure next year is better.'


'Next year. You get a next birthday now, remember? The curse is gone!'

'I know, I was just...' Draco frowned at her, looking perplexed. 'You said "we"?'

'Oh. I'm sorry, that was so presumptive...I'm sure you'll have plans with your friends...Now that you can go out and meet up with them again. I just...I didn't mean...'

'No, no! That's not what I meant!' Draco quickly reassured her. 'I was just surprised that you'd want to be there. Once we're no longer stuck hiding from the crazies. Figured you'd want to go our separate ways. Never have me darken your doorstep again, that kind of thing.'

'Pretty sure it's me you'd not want near your door!' Hermione said. 'I'm really sorry you got dragged into all this, by the way. Bet you're regretting agreeing to hide me, now you've a price on your head and your home is in shambles!'

'No,' Draco said, reaching out and squeezing her hand. 'I don't regret it. Never.'

Hermione smiled slightly, ducking her head. She reluctantly slid her hand away from his.

'I, uh, have a confession too, actually,' she said, fidgeting with the TV remote.


She stared fixedly at her lap, then took a deep breath and said in a rushed whisper -


'W-w-what did you say?'

Draco's ears turned pink and he could feel his heart hammering in his chest.

'When you said that you...that you...um...' Hermione's cheeks flushed dark red. 'After I fell...you said...And...and I heard you...'


'Though I was mostly unconscious, so I probably didn't hear what I thought I heard. But, y'know, if that is what you said...What I'm trying to say is...same.'


'I, uh, yeah. What you said. Same. If that's actually what you said. Because if it's not then, phew, awkwaaard!'

Draco stared at her, lost for words. Thoughts rushed through his head, doubts overriding hope. Hermione sank back further into the cushions, her arms wrapped around herself.


Hermione nodded, not looking at him. Draco ran a hand through his hair, unsure what to say.

'You probably didn't mean it,' Hermione muttered. 'Adrenaline does crazy things to people.'

'I did...I do mean it. I still do.'

Hermione looked up in surprise. Without pausing to think, Draco closed the space between them. He leaned forward and kissed her. He felt her stiffen, then her lips curved into a smile as she kissed him back. His hand reached out and tangled in her hair. Her arms slipped around his neck, pulling him closer.

The TV remote hit the floor with a thud, landing on Hermione's foot. They broke apart, both blushing furiously. Draco's breath caught in his throat as they stared at each other.

'More tea?' Hermione asked in a strangled whisper.

'That'd be lovely,' Draco said, his voice cracking.

'Ok!' Hermione jumped up and ran from the room.

Draco sat in stunned silence, his fingers pressed to his lips.

Hermione splashed her face with water, cooling her burning face. She leaned against the kitchen sink trying to calm her scattered thoughts.


A/N: Finally! It's been a long time coming!

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