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Today we decided to tell all our friends and family about our engagement. This will be easy considering I have virtually no family. I feel better after my run in with my ex and I actually feel happy knowing Natsu can and will protect me. It's hard to believe that he used to be so shy and timid.

"Hey Natsu."


"Would you of protected me like you did if you were still shy and timid like you were when we first met?"

"Of course! I love you too much! Sure I may of been scared but there's no way I'd let someone I love get hurt! Plus don't forget I did save you from the burglars!" He chuckles and smiles.

"Your right! Man I just seem to be a target for guys huh? But it looks like your my knight in shining armor always there to rescue me." I tell him happily and hug him and he hugs me back.

"Ok! So who are we telling in person and who just gets a invitation? Oh we also need to plan on when we get married! I think spring or summer would be nice." I ramble happily making Natsu laugh at me.

"Ok. Let's tell Gray and he can tell Lucy and Erza. Dragneel already knows but we should formally invite him still as well as Miss Krystal. My dad of course. Wait what about your parents?" Natsu asks.

"I have no parents. They died a while back. I have family but no contact with them. Besides Miss Krystal I had Levy but I haven't talked to her since the day she said she couldn't pick me up and told me to request a ride from zoomer. Oh my gosh! If she never ditched me I never would of met you! And she has no idea! I need to call her! I hope she has the same number!" I start freaking out and try to find her number. I haven't even thought about her this whole time! I feel so bad.

Natsu is sitting back laughing at me freaking out and I'm just ignoring him.

"UGH! I can't find her number!" I groan "Natsu take me to her house! Hopefully she hasn't moved! Wait she probably moved in with her boyfriend! They probably got married! Ugh!" I shout and start taking deep breaths

"Y/N CHILL!" He yells and wraps his arms around me and holds me still. "Breathe!" He orders and I start taking deeper breaths. After a few minutes I'm calm and he releases his hold but still keeps his rms around me. "That's better. Now tell me where she lives and we can stop by ok?" He asks calmly and I nod.

"Thank you Natsu." I sigh as we walk out the door

"No problem. Just try to keep calm from now on ok?" He chuckles as we walk to the car

"I'll try." I smile and get in the car. Natsu gets in and looks at me. "Right. She lives about 2 miles away on mockingbird road. I forget the address but I'll know the house when I see it."

"Alright. Let's go. I hope she's still there." Natsu says as he starts the car and drives to her house.

We drive to the street that is a cul-de-sac and I see her house and have Natsu stop. He parks the car and we walk up to the door with me hyperventilating the entire time. I'm thinking about how bad she's going to freak out. She has no idea about me moving or being hit by the truck and being in a coma and she definitely doesn't know I'm engaged to the guy that picked me up that day.

I finally calm myself and reach her door and knock. We wait for a bit and I knock again but louder and then we hear footsteps. The door opens and there stands Levy. She sees me and her eyes widen and she screams.

"Y/N! Long time no see! Where've you been?! How've you been?! Where do you live now?! I stopped by and you had moved out! Wait who's this?!" She rambles and squeaks

"Now I know why you guys get along." Natsu whispers in my ear and I giggle

"Levy. Can we come in? I have A LOT to explain." I tell her and she nods and let's us in. She leads us to the living room where we sit down and she looks at me excitedly.

Driving you crazy✔️(Edolas Natsu) (Natsu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now