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It's a surprise is all Natsu said as he drove us somewhere. I noticed we got on the freeway and couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

"Hey Natsu. May I ask how old you are?"

"I'm 24. What about you?"

"I'm 20."

"So I'm older. I like that."

"Of course you do. Older is wiser." I say with a wink and Natsu grins at me.

"We're here." Natsu says and parks the car and lifts his goggles. "Come on." He says as he gets out of the car.

I watch as everything about him changes. His body language to the spark in his eyes disappearing and his voice changes. He's like a whole other person and for some reason this fascinates me so much.

He walks over to me as I get out of the car. I stand up and close the door and he locks the car with the remote.

"F-follow me." He says shyly. I smile and nod and he starts walking. I look around and notice we had driven down a dirt and gravel road and we are currently walking up a grassy hill. I can smell....the ocean? My eyes grow wide. We reach the top of the hill to see a single tree there then the ocean comes into view.

I gasp at the sight. The sun is setting in the distance and reflecting on the water so beautifully. The sky is a mixture of pinks and oranges and they mix so beautifully in the sky. I sigh and grab Natsu's hand and feel him flinch.

"Thank you Natsu, this is beautiful....Sorry if I scared you." I go to release his hand but to my surprise he tightens his grip a bit.

"I-It's ok and y-your welcome." He blushes and looks away. I squeeze his hand reassuringly and smile at him. He sighs and looks at the now set sun and watches the colors fade.

I look around and notice a path to the beach below.

"Moonlit stroll?" I ask while blushing a bit. Natsu blushes more but nods his head yes. I smile and start walking, gently pulling Natsu with me.

We reach the beach and walk hand in hand along the shore. I tell him about me working at a daycare and how I can't afford a car let alone maintain it. He looks at me puzzled.

"But you know what. I'm happy for that fact because if I had my own car I never would of met you." I say softly and with a smile.

Natsu blushes. "Y-you mean you're h-happy you met m-me?"

"Of course I am!" I say a little to loudly and see him flinch away "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." I apologize softly

"I-it's ok." Natsu says and stops walking. I see him looking ahead and looking more nervous than he was. "We should head back." He says amazingly without stuttering.

He turns around and pulls me with him. I'm shocked at how he's suddenly so confident and kinda dominant. I allow him to lead me until the grassy hill came into view.

"Natsu?" I ask quietly and he snaps out of his trance.


"What happened back there and why did you want to leave?"

Natsu stops and sighs. He looks at me with complete seriousness "because I heard a street race in the distance and I avoid those as best I can. They always end badly."

"Ok. I understand. We don't have to go home just yet do we? I'd like to stay a little longer. Maybe just sit under the tree?"

"I'd like that." Natsu says, still sounding confident and we start walking

Driving you crazy✔️(Edolas Natsu) (Natsu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now