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Natsu's POV
It's time. I go pick up the ring today. Man I'm nervous and excited about this. I've been talking to my dad and he's given me some good ideas but I think I'll settle on proposing at the daycare. Just so I can see her blush and see everyone's reactions. I already know she's going to say yes and I'm sure everyone else knows to.

I know Miss Krystal will want to be there when it happens so I think I'll do it at the end of the day. But I'm not sure I'll be able to hold it in. Knowing Y/N She will be able to tell something is up. I'll just have to stay away until the end of the day.

What do I say? What do I do? Do I act casual? Do I dress up? I don't know! I'm over thinking this. I know it. Y/N loves me and I love her so it shouldn't matter much right? But it's a day we will never forget! I need to make it special! Man the stress is going to kill me. Oh man and the wedding to! That's going to be even more stressful!

Calm down Natsu. Relax. Chill. Deep breaths.

"Hey! You ok? You look freaked out." Y/N suddenly asks me while having a extremely concerned look on her face.

"Yeah. I'm ok. Just got a little overwhelmed with today." I reply trying to sound calm

"What's going on today?" She asks curiously

"Oh. Uh. Business meeting. My first one so I'm nervous." I lie and I hate lying to her so much.

"Oh. Ok. Don't worry to much about it. I know you'll do great." She smiles and kisses me on the cheek. "Come on. I need to get to work." She says as she walks out of the room.

"I'll be there in a minute." I tell her as I finish getting ready. I'm dressed in a suit because I am going to see my dad today at the office as well as pick up the ring and propose. So today is going to be busy.

I finish getting ready and grab my keys and head to the car. I love how Y/N has helped me change for the better. I feel so much more proud and confident and just more, well, manly I guess is the word. I don't feel like a wimp anymore and I don't get pushed around or made fun of either. I love this new me and I'm staying like this forever.

"Bye baby. Love you. I'll see you later on right?" Y/N asks as she gets out of the car

"Of course baby I'll be here later on. I won't leave you hanging. I love you to." I reply and give her a kiss before she fully exits the car.

I watch her walk into the building then quickly take off. I head straight to the jewelers to get my rings. The jeweler has them ready and I am honestly surprised they look perfect. Everything is perfect! I pay him the money I owed him and leave with a smile on my face.

Now I head to my dad. I get to his building and head right up to his office. Everyone knows me so I can walk in without a issue. I get to his office door and knock. I hear him say to come in so I open the door.

"Son! Good to see you again! How's it going?" My dad greets me with a big smile

"Hi dad. Everything is going great. In fact I came here to show you something." I smile and show him the rings and he smiles brightly. "I'm proposing to Y/N today. I know she will say yes and after today it will be official that we will be getting married in the future." I tell him with a huge smile on my face.

"How far in the future is the question?" My dad asks

"I'm not sure yet. I was thinking about after I take over the company so that way I have a good job to support my family."

"You guys are planing on having a lot of kids huh?" My dad chuckles

"I don't know about a lot but kids are definitely in the future." I reply with a big grin

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