Prove it!

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Third person POV
"The plan is in motion! Go!" A woman's voice yells and thugs scatter to do their missions.

Soon. Everything will fall into place.

Your POV
I wake up with Natsu beside me still. He's nuzzles into my back and is holding me like a teddy bear.

"Natsu. Time to get up." I say softly and he stirs a bit

"Natsu. We have to go to the daycare." I turn over and face him. He's still asleep. I kiss him and feel him smile and pull me close and kisses me deeply. I return the affection but soon pull away. "Natsu nows not the time. We have work." I say softly and he sighs in defeat.

We get up and get dressed and to my surprise Natsu gets a phone call.

"Hello?" He answers curiously. He never gets calls
"Yes....really?! No it's ok. No I'm coming. Bye!"

"What happened?" I ask nervously

"My dads in the hospital. They said he was in a car accident. Sorry I have to go now. Will you be ok?" Natsu asks in a panic while getting ready

"Yeah of course I'll be fine. Go ahead and see your dad. Call me when you can." I tell him confidently and smile.

"Thanks babe. I love you." He says and gives me one more passionate kiss.

"I love you to. Now go on and be safe!" I smile and push him out to his car.

I watch him get in his car and take off. Now for me to get ready for work. I quickly get dressed and walk to work.

While I'm walking I see a guy walk up next to me

"Hey there sexy. Wanna go out with a real man?" He asks and flexes his muscles.

"No thanks. I already have a real man." I say confidently

"Oh? Then where is he? I'd like to prove to you that I'M The real man!"

"He's at work. Like you should be. A real man provides for his family and the ones he loves." I state and walk faster

"Get back here!" He growls and grabs me from behind. I grin and stomp on his foot, elbow him in the gut and turn and uppercut him.

"A real WOMAN never lets a man bring her down!" I yell and rush off to the daycare.

Third person POV
"Well she's more loyal than I thought and stronger to. Looks like I'll need to take extreme measures." A woman growls

Natsu's POV
I rush to the hospital my dad is at and rush in to find the receptionist

"E-Excuse me m-miss?" I stutter and the receptionist looks up at me and smiles

"I-I'm here t-to see Igneel Dragion."

"Just a moment." She says softly and types on the computer "Sorry there's no one here by that name." She says

"B-but I got a c-call saying he was in a c-car accident."

"I'm sorry sir he's not showing up."

"Ok. T-thanks." I smile and walk away. I decide to call my dads number and to my surprise he answers. He's shocked at what I tell him and said someone must be pulling a evil prank or wanted to get me away to do something horrible. "Y/N!" I yell while still on the phone

"Who?" My dad asks

"My girlfriend! I bet they are after her!"

"Your what? Wait. Son your not stuttering anymore! You must really love her!" My dad says happily

Driving you crazy✔️(Edolas Natsu) (Natsu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now