The new kid

827 31 4

Your POV
After Natsu left I got my paperwork together for Romeo when he comes later. I then try to get back into the swing of things.

Being gone for a year is a big thing to adjust to. All the kids are bigger and older. I can't wait to see mark and Wendy. I wonder if their little friendship has blossomed more?

I walk around the daycare and spend some time in each room to see each of the kids again. I've missed so much in the year I've been gone. The babies are now crawling and walking and the toddlers are going to start preschool soon. I can't believe I missed watching them grow up.

Time flew by and soon it was 2pm and Natsu arrived right on schedule. You could hear the roar of his car as he drove up and the slam of his car door as he closed it. The kids flew to the door to greet him and he just smiled at them.

"Hey everyone! Long time no see!" He says with a bright smile. He immediately gets tackled and we all start laughing.

"Your a natural with kids Natsu." I wink at him making him blush

"Ok everyone! Off of my boyfriend and back to your areas!" I shoo them away and walk up to Natsu and give him a big hug.

"He hasn't gotten here yet?" Natsu asks pulling away from the hug.

"No not yet. A lot of kids don't get out until after 3. Why? Do you have to go?" I ask sadly

"No. I'm just curious." Natsu says with a soft smile

"In the meantime come with me. The kids missed you." I grab Natsu's hand and lead him away.

"I could tell by the way they rushed me!" Natsu says with a laugh

We walk around the daycare and observe the kids. We focus a lot on age specific development so we keep them separate. We do let appropriate age ranges play like the toddlers and the preschool and kindergarteners for a example. We also let the older kids tutor the younger ones and so on. The separation mostly avoids conflict and fights.

Soon the older kids started showing up including Mark and Wendy. They came in together talking and laughing and stopped when they saw me. They both rushed me and welcomed me back as well as Natsu.

"Dude long time no see!" Mark says to Natsu with a smile.

"I know man. Sorry I stayed away so long!" Natsu replies.

"It's cool. We understood what was going on. It was really sad but I'm glad it's all ok now!" Mark smiles and hugs me again. He went to his area with Wendy so they can do their homework.

We make it back to the main area just in time to see Dragneel pull up. I smile. This is going to be fun.

"Kids! Come here please!" I yell and all the kids pile into the area with their supervisors.

"Y/N? Sorry I'm late...." Dragneel says as he opens the door and sees a bunch of kids staring at him.

They look at him then back to Natsu and back again.

"What?! Y/N's boyfriend has a twin?!" The older kids yell and looked at me.

"Not a blood twin. It's difficult to explain...." I sigh not thinking this through

"Anyway. Y/N here's Romeo." He says while shoving a boy through the door. "I'll be back later on to pick him up. Be good Romeo and listen to her!" He shouts and leaves quickly.

"Well he's in a rush.." I mumble "so Romeo, your 13 right? So follow me." I tell him and motion for him to follow. He doesn't move and Natsu growls at him causing him to jump and immediately follow me. Natsu smiles and follows close behind.

Driving you crazy✔️(Edolas Natsu) (Natsu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now