One big happy family

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We got discharged a few days after the delivery. Everyone was so happy that everything went so well and that everyone is happy and healthy. I'm happy but also extremely sore and feel like crap. Natsu is a huge help with the babies. I feed them and he changes them and we take turns holding them. Both are pretty quiet and really only cry when they are hungry or need to be changed.

We've been managing but I admit it's hard having two babies at once. I don't know how I'm going to handle it. Thank goodness I work in a daycare so I can get help otherwise I'd go crazy. Natsu is staying with me until I can go back to work then he's taking over the company. It's amazing what he's done with it. He's expanding it and making it more profitable and just making it amazing. Natsu is so proud now on so many levels. He's proud of his company and of his family.

Gray is coming by along with Lucy and Erza and then later Dragneel is coming by with his Lucy. We are getting the babies ready when we hear a knock at the door. Natsu helps me up and holds Junior while I hold rose. I get to the living room and sit down and he opens the door.

"Hey guys! Come on in and say hi!" Natsu says happily.

"So adorable!" Everyone says at the same time

"Man I never would of imagined you would have kids and twins at that! Yet here they are and looking absolutely adorable." Gray says as he looks at the babies.

"Natsu sure has surprised us these last few years." Lucy says a bit sadly

"Indeed he has. But it's been good surprises. He's happy now and successful and it's thanks to Y/N who never gave up on him and loved and supported him." Erza says and smiles at me and I smile and blush.

They stay for a while and hang out and take turns holding the babies. I had to leave to feed them for a bit because I'm uncomfortable breastfeeding in front of anyone besides Natsu. When I came back they were teasing Natsu about how he's just beaming with happiness and pride.

"Alright quit teasing my husband." I tell them firmly but with amusement

They soon leave and we take the babies to their room  and we both can't help but smile. That dresser sure does match their hair and it's going to be amusing as they grow up seeing them blend in with it. A little while later Dragneel shows up with Lucy. We led them to the room quietly so they could see the babies and they just smiled and Lucy covered her mouth to keep from squealing.

"They are so adorable!" Lucy squeaks once we were out of the room.

"Now we know our own kids will be adorable as well." Dragneel chuckles.

"You guys are having a baby soon?" I ask with amusement and they nod

"Yep I just found out I'm 3 weeks pregnant!" Lucy shouts and I hug her tightly

"Congratulations!" I shout happily.

We all hang around and talk until the babies woke up then we went and got them and let Lucy and Dragneel hold them. They were nervous but soon relaxed and smiled brightly. I know they were imagining their own kids and how adorable they would be. I suddenly see tears in Dragneel's eyes.

"What's wrong?" I ask concerned.

"Remember how I showed you the article of the other you and how she died?" He asks and I nod "Remember how I found out she loved me so much but I wouldn't give her the time of day?" again I nod. "I was just thinking how me and her would probably have our own kids right now just like you guys and they'd look exactly like these two." He says and cries.

"That may be true but I know you're meant to be with Lucy. You and Lucy will have your own kids and be happy. You can't dwell on the past and what could have been. You should focus on the future and what will be." Y/N says with a smile

Driving you crazy✔️(Edolas Natsu) (Natsu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now