Change of plans

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Natsu's POV
I drive back to my place quickly so I can be alone with my thoughts after all that's happened tonight. I pull into my garage and close it back. I walk into my house and drop onto the couch. I have a small 2 bedroom house like Y/N's and it's not to far away. Maybe 4 or 5 blocks.

She actually likes me. I can't believe it. She likes both sides of me. Why? I accepted the dinner invitation to get it over with because I just knew she wouldn't like me afterwards but she does. No ones ever liked me after they see my other side. Why does she?

After dinner I was so nervous to talk to her. I saw her washing the dishes and decided to help. The way she talked to me was so soothing and comforting. I love it. That's when I decided to offer to go for a drive. I was so happy when she agreed. I knew exactly where to take her.

When we got there hearing her gasp in joy made me happy but feeling her grab my hand made me jump. Not just from surprise but also the feeling of someone touching me gently almost lovingly. When I felt her pull her hand away I instinctively squeezed it. I surprised myself with my boldness. I felt proud and happy with myself.

I loved walking up and down the beach with her even though I heard the street racers in the distance that made me turn back, nothing could ruin my mood.

But the highlight of my night was two things. One was her resting her head on my shoulder. When she did that I felt my heart race as fast as my car and the other was when she said she liked me. That made my heart go from racing to soaring. I've never been so happy before.

When I dropped her off I got the vibe that she wanted to kiss me or something. I don't know why but I felt it. In a way I wanted her to, even if it wasn't on the lips. I wish I was bold enough to do it but I'm not. I'm scared and I curse myself for it. I just hope my timidness doesn't ruin this for me.

I really like Y/N.

Your POV
After falling asleep thinking about Natsu I had a pleasant dream about him. I dreamt that I helped him overcome his shyness and timidness and because of that we grew closer. At the end of my dream he purposed to me and I cried tears of happiness in my dream.

Could that dream come to pass?

I wake up feeling good. Not happy. Not sad. Just good. Content is the word I believe. But it's more than content. I don't know. Feelings are hard to explain. I go about my morning routine and head off to work. I enjoy walking to work because it gives me time to think. What do I think about? Well today it's Natsu and the dream I had.

I almost passed by the building I Hold daycare in because I'm so lost in thought. The building is in a residential area and it's near a school. A majority of the kids we get are after school because their parents work late. Days usually end between 6 and 7. Rarely and I do mean rarely are kids left past that time.

My day was going pretty good until a 12 year old boy with blonde hair decided to poke a little fun at me. I don't mind because I know he's not being mean. Me and all the kids have a playful relationship it they know when I mean business they better listen!

"Hey Y/N what's with the silly grin? You finally get a boyfriend?"

"None of your beeswax!" I say and stick out my tongue causing him to fall over laughing.

"You totally do! The look on your face says it all!" He yells in laughter.

I try my best to compose myself but I can't hide my blush.

"That's enough. Get back to your homework. Now!" I yell and he snaps to attention and burys his nose in a book.

I sigh. Is it that obvious? I look at the clock. 2 more hours and I can go. Hopefully. I take out my phone and text Natsu.

Driving you crazy✔️(Edolas Natsu) (Natsu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now