IX. Ejected

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"By the Gods, this is ridiculous," I cursed under his breath as I ventured through a deep crevice in the Earth, starting on my journey to the Underworld. I hated the place, and hated I had to grovel for Hades.

I had been counting on the Fates to let me onto the tiny island where Kore lived with ease, and this was taking time away from my plan that i didn't have to spare.

I knew the council for the contest would meet the next day, and I had to be there. Kore was plaguing my thoughts constantly, to the point I could hardly eat or drink. "To lose the contest," I muttered to myself as I approached the rocky archway to the river, "Is not an option."

I knew that it wouldn't be simple demigods and other creatures competing- quite frankly, I wouldn't put it past some of the major gods to compete as well. It wouldn't be an easy task to win, but there was no other choice.

Kore was mine.

My nose turned up as I approached the River Styx. The deep blue water flowed from a waterfall that cascaded down a steep cliffside, and had a scent that nobody could quite place. It was said that it was the smell of regret and longing, passed on from those who crossed and left life undone.

Personally, I thought it smelled liked the rest of the Underworld- musty, outdated, and trashy.

I watched the water pass into the black tunnels beneath the ground for awhile before the sounds of an oar dipping into the water caught my attention. "Finally," I muttered.

I adjusted the black cloak I wore, the hood up around his golden hair as Charon approached in his barge.

"Payment?" Came the voice of the river guardian. Charon was an enormously tall man, with skin as black as the Underworld itself and the disposition to match. His deep colored eyes pierced into mine, his face blank. I knew full well the man didn't trust him at all, and would rather dunk him in the river than help him cross..but rules were rules.

I produced a single golden coin, flipping it to the man as I stepped aboard with a smirk. The man made no reaction, hiding the distaste he felt as he sank his oar deep below the water's surface and propelled the boat forward.

It was a silent and uncomfortable ride, but it had to be done. Charon gave me the creeps, and I had noticed us slow down as we passed an enraged Cerebus tearing at his chain and chomping at the bit- the dog was, apparently, also not a fan of Apollo.

I rolled my eyes. Petty parlor tricks and oversized puppies weren't enough to scare me off.

Of course, I didn't take it personal. It was a known fact that nobody in the Underworld was a particular fan of the immortals of Olympus- more half the humans here had died because of a petty war or disagreement between the Gods, and anyone who worked closely with Hades despised how their master was treated. All the same, respect was due to the immortals, and while those in the dark realm silently expressed their disgust and displeasure in having the immortals visit, things were done to order.

The barge stopped along the bank, and I was quick to get off. I flashed a mocking smile to Charon- "Until next time," before embarking to Hades' palace.

The Underworld, is a dirty and dark place, and really had nothing worth noticing, in my opinion. You couldn't even pay any mind to the beautiful jewels along the way with all the spirits and nymphs milling about absentmindedly. "It looks more and more like a haunt every visit," I thought crassly.

A large obsidian castle rose into my view, impressive enough in archetecture. I casually strolled in, taking down my hood as he approached a waiting Hecate.

Kore || A Hades and Persephone RetellingWhere stories live. Discover now