XXI. Puppet Master

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- Apollo -

"Are you sure this will work?" I asked again, searching the woman's eyes as she handed me a small glass vial.

Circa, a minor goddess who specialized in witchcraft, gave a shy nod. "My potions are always true," she responded softly before looking up, giving me a hopeful look.

Circa had long loved me- one of the many on Olympus that did. I had once loved all the attention and praise, but I had reached the point long ago of only craving Kore's touch and gaze.

Hiding my disgust, I flashed her a warm smile before taking her hand and kissing it softly. "I'll never forget this, my dearest Circa," I whispered against her hand before pressing another kiss to it and standing. The girl's face was flushed red as she jerked her head into a nod. "I'm always here to help," She replied with a smile.

I gave her a parting smile before leaving, my face quickly dropping into a frown. Kore, forgive me," I pled inwardly. "But I have to play this game if we want to be together."

Despite having to kiss another's hand and simper, I had what I needed. The potion in my hand was strong- a puppet spell, if you will. Zeus was drinking so much today that I had ample opportunity to slip this to him. I reached up, yanking a golden hair from my head and putting it into the potion. The golden mixture bubbled and glowed for a second as the hair disappeared and completed the concoction.

I grinned, carefully stowing the vial in my satchel. Zeus would be under my control soon, and then nothing would stand in our way.


It wasn't hard to find Zeus- he was an attention seeker when he wasn't drunk, but even more so when he had downed as much ambrosia as he had. He was chatting with Dionysus, and had just finished his glass. Perfect.

As I approached, he gave a roaring laugh, clapping me on the shoulder. "Apollo," he greeted brashly, his voice a bit too loud in the small room. "I was expecting more of a show from you, boy! Don't tell me you intend to roll over to my little brother," he teased.

My smile became more fixed, but I played along- we had an audience, after all, and I couldn't afford any suspicion. "Not at all," I replied amiably. "But I know how you all love a good show- I thought I'd let Hades get in a win so that everyone enjoyed the Labryinth a little more. It wouldn't be much fun if I swept the competition!"

Zeus gave an approving nod. "Well said, son, well said," He replied, his words slurring together. "Can't have a boring contest, can we?!"

I raised an eyebrow and looked to Dionysus. "Don't suppose you have anything to sober him up before the next event?" I asked dryly.

The god chuckled and nodded- he had drunk more than Zeus, but acted as though it hardly affected him. "That I do!" He replied with a grin. "I'll go and fetch it."

I nodded in appreciation as the man left before turning to grab Zeus another glass. My face hardened as I quickly poured the vial's contents into the glass, swirling it in the golden drink quickly before plastering a smile back on my face and handing it to the god. "Shall we drink to Lady Kore?" I asked amiably, playing casual and happy.

Zeus grinned and grabbed the glass. "That we shall!" He declared before downing it in one swallow. He clapped my shoulder, and turned to start towards the door when he paused, swaying a bit as though he had forgotten what he was doing.

My false smile fell as I rounded around to face him. His normally electric blue eyes seemed dull, and his expression was vacant. I raised an eyebrow, and instructed him quickly, keeping my voice soft enough it wouldn't carry.

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