XI. The Underworld (Part II)

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It's been brought to my attention that mobile readers dislike the longer chapters I usually write. To help with that problem, I will be breaking the chapters into parts and uploading them together. Thank you for understanding!


It was beautiful, to be sure. The Underworld's palace was renowned for the polished and extravagant appearance it held, and it could easily be seen why. It appealed to a darker side of me- the beauty was not fragile and delicate like my springtime flowers. It was cold, dangerous, and elusive.

I liked it.

"Lord Hades is currently in judgement." I tore from my thoughts to look forwards to Hecate, who had slowed down to let me catch up. I blushed, hurrying my pace- my daydreaming got away from me again.

"His work in processing souls is never finished, and he insists on carrying most of the weight himself," the woman explained.

Curiousity was sparked. "Can I see it?" I asked, trying to keep my tone casual despite the anticipation I felt.

Just then, something rammed me from behind. "What on earth?!" I stumbled and fell to my knees as a gruff, "'Scuse me," came, a small creature scuttling about. I stared in shock- this little thing was far different from the elegant and tall nymphs back home.

"Watch your step, nymph," Hecate growled as she helped me from the carpet. "That's the Goddess of Spring you're knocking over!"

My dark eyes met the almost white eyes of the creature who had hit her. An Earth nymph, dressed ironically in jewel tones and holding a heavy-laden silver tray gave a hasty bow. "My apologies, m'lady. I'm so busy hurrying that I think I've forgotten my head."

I smiled and waved it off. "You're fine, really. No harm done."

The nymph smiled almost too sweetly before extending the tray forward with all kinds of goodies and treats. "Please, have one. As my apology."

My mouth watered. I hadn't eaten today, after all! "Thank you!" I replied, and had no sooner brushed my fingertips against a chocolate truffle when Hecate's slender hand harshly knocked it away.

"Nonsense," she barked. "You know the rules, nymph. Continue tempting and I'll inform Lord Hades of your tricks."

The nymph's eyes went wide, and she was quick to scuttle off behind a hidden doorway, typically used for servants. I didn't even think to ask how he had disappeared before Hecate gave a huff, kneading her forhead. "I'm sorry," she started briskly. "That was rude. But there are things you have clearly not learned of the Underworld."

Well. That was rude. I frowned, my stomach grumbling for that chocolate truffle.

"Why couldn't I have-"

The woman turned and continued her walk down the corridor, motioning for me to keep up..and effectively cutting off my question. Why couldn't I eat anything? "Perhaps the tray was for another god visiting?" I asked myself, more than confused. I had somehow committed some faux pas, and I didn't even know what it was.

"You must understand," Hecate continued, "Lord Hades has been alone for longer than any of us have been here. Broken hearts and somber spirits make for a gloomy household. He has been so pleasant of late, and where he is truly good to those who are beneath him, we all wish to see him find happiness."

Hecate glanced behind at me and raised an eyebrow. "Child, I do warn you," Hecate whispered, her eyes flickering up and down the empty hallway. "Do not lead him on. Romantic games and little flings might be the rage on Olympus, but it is quite different here. We are looking for a queen and someone to help brighten our realm, not drag it back down."

I stared back at the woman back, more than a bit shocked at how bold Hecate was. But, to be fair, I had never given muvh thought to the Underworld, nor how it must have affected Hades to be so alone.

"I didn't have anyone romantically in Olympus," I replied quietly. "At the end of the day, my mother was the only one I could talk to."

My eyes met Hecate's as I straightened, holding my head high. "I don't want to play games either," I replied softly. "I just..want to decide my own path for once."

For a second, I thought I caught a glimmer of pride before Hecate turned sharply once more, opening a door to their right. "This way," she guided. We ascended up a staircase in silence before Hecate once more broke the quiet.

"That's why they want you to eat the food, you know."

"I beg your pardon?" I asked, obviously confused.

Hecate smiled. "The nymphs. Your reputation proceeds you, my dear. They are hoping you will stay here with Lord Hades."

I was still lost. "What does that have to do with food?"

We came to the top of the stairs and walked through a large marble archway, the red and black of the former corridor giving way to white marble and gleaming jewels embedded in the rock. "Our food is similiar to the fae's food for humans," She explained. "There's a reason there aren't many parties in the Underworld. One bite of something from our realm, and you are trapped here."

I paused, giving the woman an incredulous look. "Trapped?" I repeated slowly, clearly not quite believing.

Hecate nodded casually. "Trapped means you can't leave, dear," She replied, her tone a bit condescending. "Forever."

Just then, a set of gleaming obsidian doors slowly opened. Hecate held out her arm towards the doors, her eyes still on mine. "He's in there. Hop along now," She reproached, giving a quick nod.

Now I had a million questions, and was suddenly uneasy about this whole plan. I looked over to the doors, butterflies taking flight in the pit of my stomach. Damn the butterflies.

"Maybe..maybe I should go back. He's quite busy after all, and I-"

I stopped as I turned to look back at Hecate- but the goddess had disappeared. I slowly looked back to the doors and sighed. No way out now!

My dress trailed behind me as I approached the entrance, pausing for a second before continuing. A blast of cold air surrounded me before the doors closed, my eyes taking in the incredible scene before me.

It was a massive hall that could've fit Olympus twice over, and it was brimming with activity. Nymphs were working here or there, souls lined up for judgement. At the head of the hall directly across from her, two monstrous thrones rose above the din, made of what appeared to be the same obsidian of the doors behind her. The throne was lined with jewels of all colors, but my eyes were quickly drawn to the man sitting in the throne.


His stark white hair was a sharp contrast to the black throne behind him. He wore all black robes, and there on the throne Kore was struck with how powerful and almighty he looked. It made something inside me quiver, and I suddenly found myself feeling quite small in comparison.

Before Hades stood a set of scales, a winged man beside him weighing. "Scales of justice," I whispered to myself. Seems I did remember this piece from Demeter's schooling- they were measuring the good and bad of each soul's life to determine their eternal path.

I sucked in a breath my bravery faltered and nerve took over. Perhaps it would be better to leave, I thought frantically- but it was too late.

A pair of piercing blue eyes met mine. Hades' somber face instantly brightening when he saw me. My heart thudded as he abruptly stood, and the hall went quiet as those inside turned to see what the King of the Underworld was so excited about.

Heaven help me

My heart felt like it would beat out of my chest. I froze, trying to pull myself together. "You are a Goddess, for Zeus's sake," I whispered furiously to myself. "Act like it!"

I forced myself to straighten up, and at least act like I wasn't about to melt.

"Kore," Hades greeted, his voice carrying across the hall as he extended his arm to me, inviting me up to where his throne sat. "How good to see you."

Merciful heavens. This was every romance I had been told rolled into one ball of handsome. The God of the Underworld really will be the death of me!

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