X. The Underworld

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I stared at the page, an unfamiliar feeling of rage welling inside my chest

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I stared at the page, an unfamiliar feeling of rage welling inside my chest.

So. I was truly to be a prize after all, like some silly medal. I turned and threw the parchment into the far corner of the room, flopping onto my stomach on my bed as I stared out the window at the ocean.

The contest was becoming a sore subject the more time I spent with Hades. I did, admittedly, sometimes miss Mother...but did I really miss Olympus?

My friends I missed- Aphrodite, Artemis, the nymphs and fairies she was so close with..but I didn't miss the arrogance, the pompous, the lustful eyes that lurked around every corner of Olympus. My hands balled into fists as I closed my eyes tight, burying my face in the down blanket. Was I really going to be eternally mated to someone like that?

Demeter's words rang in my ears- "Men are nothing but trouble. They'll use you, hurt you, break your heart.."

Round and round the words spun in her mind, every nightmare of what a man is turning my stomach.


The name stopped the dark twisting thoughts like a wall, a sudden light shining. Hades wasn't pompous or arrogant. He treated me with kindness, and was a dear friend. He was sweet and respectful..

My eyes slowly opened as my heart thudded, my hands suddenly shaky. That was it. Hades had to be the win to win. I know that, and I've said it before...but now fully grasping the alternative made me feel even more sure that Hades could not fail.

I sat up slowly, the sudden feeling of butterflies in my stomach. I liked Hades, sure. I thought he was handsome and sweet, and he made me feel happy, but this sudden excitement at the thought of him winning my hand made me suddenly quite more aware.

Is this what Aphrodite called Love?

"Lady Kore?"

My thoughts were ripped from the handsome god as an unfamiliar voice rang through the marble home. I stood, my deep blue dress falling to cling to my shape as I  stepped forward. Who on earth could be here?

My eyes landed on a woman dresssed in black, with imposing eyes and a strong jawline. "Yes?" I responded hesitantly.

The woman turned towards me and smiled, giving a bow. "I am Hecate, Goddess of Magic and Witchcraft..and assistant to the King of the Underworld. Hades has sent me here with his apologies- he is quite busy today, and won't be able to pay a visit."

I ignored both the flattening disappointment and the fresh round of butterflies as the God's name was mentioned. "I see," I replied flately before glancing back to the rather intimidating goddess with a small smile.  "It was kind of you to come all this way to send the message, but I do hate to waste your time. A letter would've sufficed."

Hecate grinned. "I'm not hear to pay the message. I'm here to take you to the Underworld myself! Everyone is dying to see you," she continued, ignoring my dumbfounded expression, "No pun intended, but all the same, you ought to come see!"

"Wouldn't that make Hades rather upset?" I questioned slowly, curiosity and excitement bubbling up inside me.

Hecate waved her hand dismissively. "I'll handle that. Unless," she turned towards the door, taking a step out, "unless, that is, you want to just stay here in your house all day."

It took me all of a few seconds to decide. "Wait just a moment," I cried before practically throwing herself into her bedroom to get ready.

After the most hurried routine of my long life, I stepped back into the front room. My hair was left down in beautiful, spiraling curls, my dress the same deep blue one from before, but this time accented with a tight, glittering belt about my waist. I stepped forward hurriedly, giving a small smile. "I'm sorry for the delay. I'm ready to go."

Hecate grinned. "Blue is the Lord's favorite color, you know." She nodded her head towards the grand waterfall at the edge of the forest. "This way, your grace."

I followed the woman to the roaring waters, watching her a bit warily as they walked around the edge of the pool. I knew there was an entrance to the Underworld that Hades used to visit me..but did it have to be so wet?

I grimaced, thinking of the hurried time she had put into getting ready. Hecate could've told her that they'd be swimming to get there..

Ο καθένας για λόγου του κι ο θεός για όλους.
(Κεφαλονίτικη παροιμία

Hecate whispered the phrase. I raised her eyebrows in surprise. A human phrase unlocked the Underworld? Curious.

As the last syllable left Hecate's mouth, the waterfall suddenly flexed and moved, diverted over an invisible roof about the women. I could clearly see the cave now, torches lit with Greek fire along the path.

Down the two descended. Hecate patted my arm, as though I was nervous about the dark. In truth, I didn't mind the darkness- my mind was on the revelation I had before the Goddess had arrived. Do I love Hades? How on earth do I act normal now??

Kore glanced around for what should have been familiar- scary stories told of the River Styx, the terrifying guard named Cerberus, the lost and anguished souls wading their way through eternity..

Insurers, they breezed into a hallway, paintings of Greek history decorating the walls. The walls  glistened with the sparkle of crushed gems, the floor shone with polished obsidian underneath the red carpet they stood on. "Hades' castle," Hectate introduced simply, continuing to walk down the hall.

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