XV. Clarey's Revenge

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- Kore -

I didn't hear from Hades for days after that visit. 

The first day, I didn't mind. I had things that I needed to do, and I saw firsthand how busy Hades was. 

The third day was a little odd that he didn't even send a quick note, but I pushed it to the back of my mind. 

By the fifth day, I was certain that I had done something to make him upset.

The worst part about it was that there truly wasn't anyone else on this blasted island. Nobody I could vent to, nobody I could talk with. Just me, alone with my thoughts. 

It was mind-numbing, and I felt myself starting to slip.

The seventh day came. Resigned to the fact that I would probably not hear from Hades again, I had gotten up before Apollo brought sunrise and stared at the ocean. The sound of the waves was calming, and the feel of the ocean breeze on my face reminded me that, yes, I was still a person, even if I was stuck in this weird reality.

The sky was lit with beautiful pinks and yellows as the sun started its ascent. I smiled to myself- I had never met Apollo, but what he did certainly was beautiful.

"Lady Kore?"

A voice startled me from my thoughts. I twisted around, more than a bit startled after seven days of virtual silence

It was a shade. You could tell by the grayish aura they held. I stood, brushing the sand from my dress. "Yes?" I responded, giving the shade a curious look.

"I've been instructed to bring you to the Underworld to meet with your father," The shade informed me. "He has come to check on your well-being and to bring you news of the contest."

I sighed, brushing my hair from my face as I looked back over the ocean. Suddenly, the silence seemed preferable...and I couldn't ignore the fact that it was my father summoning me, not Hades.

"Very well," I responded, turning and giving the blank-faced shade a smile. Without another word, the shade turned..but rather than going to the cave behind the waterfall, he started to walk down the beach. 

"Ah...isn't the Underworld that way?" I asked slowly, pointing back towards the cave as I tried to keep up to his quick pace.

No response.

A feeling of uncertainty washed over me as I reluctantly followed the now silent shade. After a few moments, we came to an unfamiliar cave. During high tide, it would be completely submerged, but the waves had retreated enough to allow us entrance.

The shade disappeared into the cave, but I stopped at the mouth. A blast of cool air hit me as it traveled up from wherever the cave ended. I shivered, my brain telling me to turn and leave. I paused, glancing back at the water. 

"Your father won't want to be kept waiting," I heard the sharp reprimand of the shade from the darkness. He stepped forward again, grabbing my hand and tugging me along.

"Hey!" I protested- but to no avail. His grip was like iron, and the further he dragged me, the more confused and disoriented I became.

I don't know how long I followed the shade. It felt like hours. Finally, we appeared in front of a large river. The water had an odd silver hue to it, the light from the torches lit up and down the tunnel's walls reflecting in it.

"Why, if it isn't Lady Kore?"

I turned, my eyes meeting a woman, leaning against the rock wall as she studied me carefully. She was tall, and her hair was a brilliant shade of silver. Her eyes were black, and the lower part of her face and her body seemed to shine like diamonds. 

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