I. Kore

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I always knew I would never know love. Sure, my father loved me, in his own weird way, and Mother's love was suffocating. I know that I love nature, and it loves me back- that's why I can do what I do. And, yeah, I don't have a lot of friends, but the ones I do have love me

But that's not the kind of love I wanted

I wanted the kind of love that curls your toes and keeps you up at night. I had seen it on Olympus and among the mortals.

Romantic love. Intimate, passionate love. The kind of love that made you reach for someone when they weren't there and that made your world seem okay as long as that someone was in it.

But I wasn't a normal girl. My name was Kore, Goddess of Spring...and daughter of Demeter. My mom had big plans for me, and they all involved me staying a virgin, and staying near her.

So, my dear friend, let me tell you my story about the girl named Kore, and how she became something more than anyone ever imagined..

"Kore! Darling, come down from there quickly. We have company!"

I sighed, setting my book on the wide branch beside me before holding my hand out in front of me. A vine descended from the top of the tree where I sat, and after grasping tightly, I let it grow until it was long enough for me to slide to the ground. "What is it?"

My mother rushed over, tidying my hair and dress. As Goddess of the Harvest, my mother was often busy and stressed with more work to do than seemed possible. All gods and goddesses had a choice in their appearance, and while most preferred to appear young forever, my mother had been among a select few of Olympus that opted for a more mature look. Her hair was a jet black, and she had allowed a few wrinkles- not many, but enough to give her that air of being more experienced and wise. She had explained to me once that it reflected more of how she felt, and it helped give her an air that demanded respect.

She was beautiful, and while I was grateful for her fussing and wisdom, I was getting sick of the coddling. "It's fine, Mother," I huffed as I took a step away from her hands that were busy at work rearranging my hair.

She pursed her lips, raising an eyebrow at my rude behavior, but chose to let it slide for the moment. "Your father is here," She grumbled. "Apparently he was urgent news for both of us. He refuses to leave until you come and hear him out."

Zeus and my mother never had gotten along, despite my good relationship with each of them. I brushed Mom's hands away from my long wavy hair. "I'll go meet him then," I responded with a grin. "You can stay here if you want!"

My father, Zeus, was the King of Olympus, and the God of Thunder. He didn't have the greatest reputation in the world, but at the end of the day, I loved him anyways. However Zeus was in other aspects of his life, he was pretty great to me. Not exactly a careful parent, or an overly responsible one, but he was fun.

"Flower!" He greeted with his loud, boisterous voice as I slipped into the room. My face broke into a wide grin as I ran into his outstretched arms. He was significantly taller than me, and had opted for a more mature look like my mother. He had strong, defining features that showcased his strong jawline and deep green eyes, with a salt-and-pepper beard to complete the 'old and wise' look he went after. He had somehow managed to be handsome, but still demand respect with just his appearance.

He chuckled before pressing a quick kiss to the top of my head. "As beautiful as always, little Kore!" He greeted me cheerfully. He pulled me away, studying me for a second. "I've come with some news for you, little Kore. About a potential match."

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