IV. Kore

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|| This chapter has been edited. ||

As the next day passed, however, I realized just how hard meeting with the man in the forest would be.

"Dite," I moaned to the Goddess of Love as I collapsed into my chair. "I can't take her anymore! It's gotten worse, I'm telling you! She's suddenly became even more wrapped up in my life, if such a thing was possible." I continued complaining with a pout. "She wouldn't even let me go back to the meadow today- literally the one time I've wanted to go, and she refuses!"

"Surely it's not so bad, Kore," My friend replied flippantly as she flipped through one of my books. Aphrodite had managed to sneak in a visit while I was on unofficial lockdown, and was currently flopped on my bed while I sat at my vanity, trying to fix my unruly hair the best I could. I glanced at the girl as she reached up and brushed her white hair back from her face. Was it really white? Who knew. That was one of the mysterious of Aphrodite. She turned into whatever you found attractive, so nobody really knew what her real form was. Beauty in the eye of the beholder, or something like that.

Disgruntled that she wasn't taking me serious, I spun in my chair to face her. "Dite," I started seriously, my voice tinged with some melodrama. "It is definetly that bad. I finally got to talk to a guy- an absolutely gorgeous man- who was actually interested in me.... and then I basically stood him up! How could it get worse?" I demanded, pursing my lips in frustration.

The woman laughed, shaking her head as her attention went back to the book. "Don't worry Kore. I'm the goddess of love, remember?" She looked up with a cheeky grin. "And something tells me you and mystery man will meet again." She shrugged, flipping another page. "Besides, if he's a god, I am sure he knows about Demeter's protectiveness. He won't be upset with you for not being able to come- all of Olympus knows how your mother is with you."

She then paused and looked up, her eyes sparkling with curisioity. "Speaking of which...you still haven't described this man. What does he look like? He must be something to catch sweet little Kore's eye," She teased as she poked my cheek.

My cheeks flushed as I swatted her hand away. Mother would kill me if she ever heard this conversation. I cringed, smoothing my skirt out awkwardly. I was so out of my element with this!

"Well..." I started shyly, not meeting Aphrodite's eyes. "He's really handsome- and I mean more handsome than any of the gods I've seen before."

Aphrodite snorted, flipping her hair back over her shoulder. "Because you've seen so many men to compare him too," she drawled back with a smirk, ignoring my annoyed look at her. "Luckily," She continued, taking on a pretend lofty tone, "You have me- the Love Expert- at your assistance. Describe this supposed beauty to me, and I'll tell you if he's really that good looking!"

I chuckled, shaking my head at her antics. "Fine," I started dryly, "But don't make fun of me if he's not your type." I paused, my mind going back to the meadow meeting as I started describing. "Well..he's rather tall- taller than Hermes, but not quite my father's height- and has long white hair with these really unique blue eyes," I explained, not noticing Aphrodite freeze up as her eyes widened.

She suddenly cut me off, sitting forward anxiously as she grabbed my arm. "Kore, was this guy wearing all black armor and a crown? Kind of awkward to talk to?" She asked, suddenly seeming almost frantic.

I gave her a confused look, but slowly nodded. "Yes, actually. Why? Do you know him?"

"Know him??" She shrieked, jumping to her feet, staring at me in shock. She let out a huff, tossing her hair back over her shoudler as she gave me an exasperated look. "Good grief, Kore, I knew you're beyond sheltered, but do you seriously not know any of the Gods??"

I raised my chin and sniffed, my pride wounded. "I know my father and Hermes," I replied defensively. Aphrodite stared at me for a long moment...and then started to laugh. Beyond confused, I watched as collapsed back into her chair and kept giggling.

"Oh!" She exclaimed through breaths as she laughed like she had just heard the best joke, "This is too good. This is absolute gold!"

"What?!" I demanded, my face red with embarrassment. I was obviously missing something important. "Stop teasing me, Dite- and stop laughing before my mother bursts in here. You obviously know the guy, so who is he?!"

It took her a minute for her to get herself back together, but that mischievous grin stayed on her face. "Oh no," she replied as she stood, a bit more gracefully this time. "That's for your mystery man to tell you, not me." She laughed before giving me a teasing wave. "See you later, dear!" She called as she called her powers, her body enveloping in sea foam before she disappeared.

I sat with my jaw practically on the ground. "Dite, you're so unfair!" I yelled after her..but it was too late. The Goddess- and my information- had vanished. I leaned back with a huff and crossed my arms.

So, he was a god. I knew that already- but why did Aphrodite react that way? I mused, combing through my hair absently as I thought. Maybe he was a minor god, or a recluse. There were plenty of those around, once you started looking for them..

I froze, a new thought suddenly flashing across my mind. What if he was already married?! I saw enough of Hera's wrath to know I didn't want anything to do with that kind of mess.

I sighed, smoothing it my dress. I hadn't been able to tell Aphrodite how bad things were getting with Demeter, and how suffocated I was starting to feel.

I hated it. I hated feeling small and powerless. But when your only power is over spring growth, what chance do you have against the Goddess of the Harvest?

Besides that, I was still fighting the inner battle I was having over which way to go. I had determined to give the Competition a try, but that didn't mean I enjoyed fighting with Mother.

Things had always been that way, to an extent- me trying to decide between contention and rebellion and just going with the flow, even if it made me unhappy. But news of a potential match had whipped my mother into a frenzy to try and keep me under her control. The woodland nymphs who had once been more lenient with me were suddenly scarce to be found, except those who followed Demeter's words to the exact letter. My every move was watched and monitored, and I rarely left the house now. The fact that Aphrodite had dared visit said a lot to me about our friendship- everyone else was too scared to come near me.

That was the irony of her whole scheme, however- she was too late to rein in my thoughts. They were already on the mysterious man- and she couldn't lock that away.

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