XIII. Confession

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Pull. Measure. Cut.

Pull. Measure. Cut.

Pull. Measure.


Clotho and Lachesis stopped their work, looking up in bewilderment at Atropos. Their faces quickly became somber as they recognized the chilling emptiness of the girl's eyes- a prophecy, a vision, a revelation was being made.

"Plans have been changed," Atropos whispered, her voice holding a surprising tone of malice. "Our foolish father is growing impatient."

Her eyes snapped to the other two sisters, waiting in quiet suspense. "We must see Lord Hades. Now." Her voice left little room for question as three pillars of smoke disappeared through the stone floor and continued down.

It was incredibly rare that a sister left her post, but for all three to leave signaled catastrophe- somebody was messing with fate, and it would not be tolerated.


"I'm really sorry for today, I-"

"Lady Kore, if you apologize one more time, I may just throw you to Cerebus."

I scoffed, giving the taller lord an amused look. "That sweet dog is my friend. We'd have a grand time."

Hades let out a laugh, shaking his head. "I don't doubt it," he mused.

We fell back into silence as they meandered down the carpeted corridor, equally lost in their own thoughts. I was beside myself in embarrassment- how could I have taken over in the judgement room like that? Mother would fall over dead if she could've seen the impudence of it all!

"That was amazing, what you did today."

I snapped my head up in surprise as Hades gave me an amused smile. "What?" I asked stupidly.

"What you did in the judgment hall. Most would have ran or sobbed or had to leave..not you. Honestly, seeing you come down like an avenging angel is an image that I just couldn't shake."

I stared at him in bewilderment. "You're..you're not mad?"

"Mad?" Hades laughed. "How could I be mad? You are one of the bravest women I know, Kore, and I am delighted I got to see that fire in action."

My thoughts turned melancholy as I glanced ahead down the palace corridor. "You are one of very few men on Olympus that would admire such a trait," I noted honestly.

My fire, my so-called bravery and temper would be a major flaw to beat out in the minds of the Gods on Olympus. Gods, I thought, that might one day have the right to beat it out of their wife.

Hades came to an abrupt stop, grabbing my arm gently and waiting until I looked to him. "Kore," he spoke my name softly. Something inside me melted a bit. "I want you to know that I intend to compete for your hand- and I intend to win. The thought-" he broke off, taking a deep breath as he apparently tried to call his temper. "The thought that someone, especially certain arrogant gods with an ego larger that Olympus, could very well sweep Kore off her feet and away from here is terrifying. You are strong and beautiful for who you are, Kore..and I don't want to see anyone try and break that."

My heart thudded, my eyes watered. Nobody had ever defended me like this, or admired the qualities I had been told my whole life were wrong.

"In truth," I replied softly, unable to quite meet his eyes as I took his hand. "The thought that losing you is so terrifying to me was a scary thought in itself."

Hades chuckled, clasping his other hand on top of mine. "That I understand perfectly. Kore, I try to be a kind lord, but I am aloof to
Olympus by choice- opening your heart meant opening it to heartbreak." He sighed, thinking back to the only relationship he had in the past- Clarey.

Kore || A Hades and Persephone RetellingWhere stories live. Discover now