XXI. A Victim's Shame

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- Kore -

At some point, Apollo had left- to be honest, I had detached myself from my mind a long while before, after the fighting hadn't worked. I found that not even my powers could be called, as though my spirit had been broken.

It was just kissing, but it was the way it all happened. I felt like I was betraying Hades, and I felt like I had been violated.

The competition started in a few hours, but I found myself drowning in overwhelming emotions. I hadn't slept the whole night, the anxiety and panic I had felt at being so unprotected and vunerable not leaving.

I slowly sat up, my hair a mess, my eyes bloodshot from too much crying and not enough sleep. My body ached, and I felt..dirty. I soaked in the bath, and scrubbed my skin until it felt raw. I didn't cry- my tears were all spent. I still felt dirty as the nymphs dressed me, all happily chatting as though it were my wedding day, and not the end to my happiness.

My hands were shaking as they styled my hair into an elaborate updo. I would have to see that monster again today...but how could I tell anyone what had happened?

My eyes closed tightly as a tear leaked out.  I had hated Hades for taking Clarey to bed, but perhaps I wasn't any better.

Apollo's words from the night before whispered in my mind. "You've been fliriting with me for years, little flower. I know you have felt the same connection I do, and I know you love me back. You'll forget about that git soon enough. I know you've been dying for me to kiss you- I see it in your eyes whenever you'd looked at me."

I bit my lip. Had I asked for last night? Had I really sent that message to Apollo?

My hands gripped the soft pink dress I wore before my mother's voice broke through my thoughts. My head snapped up to see her and the nymphs watching me in concern.

"Dear..are you alright?" She asked softly.

Panic. I couldn't tell her. I couldn't let her see my shame. I had led Apollo on. I had let him kiss me when I loved someone else.

I gave a wan smile. "Yes. Just..nervous, I suppose."

That seemed to easily reassure everyone, and before I quite knew what was happening, we were in a chariot, racing to Zeus's grand palace- the epicenter of Olympus.

Zeus stood proudly on the steps, Hera beside him as I walked up the golden steps towards him. "Hi Dad," I greeted softly. I noticed Hera's sharp look at my tone, but Zeus didn't seem to notice anything different about me.

"Now that our flower is here," he greeted warmly, "We'll begin."

I was in such a hurry to get away from the potentially awkward scene that I didn't pay attention to where I was going, and literally crashed into someone.

A hand reached out and caught me before I fell, my eyes snapping up to a familiar blue pair. "Kore? Are you alright?" Hades asked in surprise.

My heart burned at the sound of his voice- I had longed for it badly. I jerked away, unable to meet his eyes any longer. I suddenly found myself blinking back tears- Hades would be disgusted with me if he had found out what I had done.

"Excuse me," I replied hurriedly. Hades reached out and grabbed my hand, but let go just as quickly as I yanked it away. I'm so sorry, Hades. I've let you down.

"Kore.." he started, concern obvious in his voice. "Are you alright?"

I couldn't meet his gaze, but nodded stiffly. "Yes. But I am late."

Hades grimaced before handing me a silk bag, careful not to touch me this time. "Please listen to this soon, alright?"

I nodded, taking the bag so I could get away before continuing to speed walk down the marble hall, tears threatening to fall. I loved him, but I couldn't be with him now. He had Clarey, and I was like a broken toy.


I watched in concern as Kore scampered away like a scared animal. Something had happened, and I had a horrible feeling that Clarey wasn't all of it. I sighed, turning to go to the main hall to stand with the unfortunately long list of competitors. I had to speak with Kore..and I had to find out what was wrong.


I paused, a cold anger welling inside me before I turned to greet Apollo. He looked ridiculous, as usual, dressed in enough gold to make you squint at him. "Nephew," I greeted coldly.

The man grinned and clapped my shoulder. "Best of luck today- although, I think I've already won the prize," he continued with a wink before continuing into the hall.

I watched him, my eyes narrowed. Already won the prize?

What tricks were you up to this time?

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