[126] Belong With Me (Logicality)

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Written: September 20
Ship: Logicality
Note: It's so short but it's worth writing!!!

He wears short skirts...

Patton was your normal kid in his school. Well, as normal as someone who freely wore skirts around the halls of school unashamed. He was always smiling even though people judged him for it. It was as if he was burning them in the process whenever he responded, but it was quite subtle to be honest. What he didn't know was that there was someone watching from the background of it all.

I wear t-shirts...

Logan was always at the sidelines. He never took the spotlight just like his friend, Roman, would for half the time. Sometimes he wondered how he managed to befriend someone who seemed to be the total opposite of himself. He was logical and precise, analytical. He found emotions a frivolous addition to the human body and thought of it as no need.

Still, his friend Roman has quite a bountiful supply of this said inconsequential feeling. But slowly as time progressed, he felt something lingering in his chest whenever Patton passed by. He had consulted his other friend, Virgil, about this situation but waved Logan off telling him to ask Princey about it if it were of any danger.

Of course he took that advice and asked Roman, since he is not as dumb as most people think he is. All Roman did was stare at him for a good five seconds and bursted out laughing, ruffling Logan's normally pushed back hair making it disorganized in one go.

He's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers...

Not only was Patton exceptionally attractive but he was also quite athletic, Logan deduced. He had seen Patton once in that cheerleader's outfit when he attended Roman's game (he was forced to by Roman himself).

It was clear that Logan knew that Patton was a part of the cheerleading squad but he was surprised at how strong he simply is. 'Mental note: Do not underestimate Patton's strength,' he took in mind once it was all over.

Dreaming about the day that you wake up and find what you're...

Logan made quite an effort to grab Patton's attention. Well, he tried for someone who could barely understand his own feelings for the world, much more for someone who he sees regularly everyday at school.

Patton always seemed to turn a blind eye at those efforts and soon, Logan just gave up on it. He was on the verge of hopelessness as he sat that the bleachers on the same spot he always did after class, watching the cheerleaders do their thing.

Something was odd about today's practice, Logan thought. Each member seemed to be holding a cardboard letter and they were facing him. Patton seemed to be the one instructing each and everyone of them, waving at Logan when he caught him staring, blushing.

It finally clicked when they formed the pyramid.

You Go
Out With Me

He was at a total lost for words and gaped. This had to be a dream, this has to be! He suddenly snapped off his trail of thought as someone hovered next to him. It was Patton, blushing a tad bit but not as much as Logan was.

"So...?" He asked nervously. "What do ya say?"

Logan sputtered but managed to say, "Yes."

Patton smiled widely, leaning down and kissing Logan passionately. Logan smiled softly and kissed back, closing his eyes.

Looking for has been here the whole time.

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