[14] Cuddles with a tired Logan (Logicality)

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Original: August 30, 2017

July 4, 2018
I changed the title if you can't tell. I was cringing badly. Lots of edits from the cringe.

Logan's POV

I've been working non-stop for these past few days due to the fact that I have been helping Thomas not to procrastinate. To stop Thomas seems like a easier task but you do know the saying: Easier said than done.

"By this rate, I will not be able to eat with the others. Again." I thought and groaned. You see, I haven't had the healthiest eating schedule. Even Anxiety's schedule sounds better than mine. I usually don't eat breakfast, lunch at 3, and dinner at... well, I haven't been eating dinner for 2 days now.

I shook these thoughts out before writing again. I have much more work to finish.

Patton's POV

"Ugh! When is Logan coming out of his room?! It's been forever since I've seen him."

"Patton, we just saw him a few hours ago. I'm sure the nerd is fine," Roman said, probably trying to soothe me.

"Yeah, but what if he's starving in his room and probably–"

"I give up. I am so done," Anxiety said, walking towards his room, yelling for the last time, "So done with you both!" And slamming the door afterwards.

He probably got sick of me complaining about Logan for a while.

"Hey, I think Logan didn't eat dinner. Again." I thought and made a sad face. Roman must've noticed because he said, "Don't sweat about it, Pat. I'm sure he will come out of his room eventually." A reassuring smile crept onto his face, making me smile back softly.

"Yeah, he will. But if he isn't going to eat dinner tomorrow, I am going to drag him down here."

"Yeesh, okay. I hope he comes before you go all dad mode."

"I hope so, too."

-time skip brought to you by le author's laziness and I'm still lazy while editing-

He didn't come down for dinner the next day. I slammed my hands against the table, frightening Roman and Virgil in the process. I muttered a quick sorry before leaving the table to Logan's room.

I knocked and waited for his response. Logan response was muffled but I knew what it was. He said, "Come in."

I barged into his room, scaring him. He quickly recomposed himself and fidgeted nervously. "Salutations, Patton. What brings you to my room?"

"Cut the crap, Logan. You know exactly why I'm here."

Oh no! I swore!! I can't eat a cookie tomorrow... but I'm feeling dangerous and Logan hasn't eaten... I'll make an exception for this one.

"I-I'm sure I don't know what you mean," he managed to stutter out.

"Take a break, and eat dinner with us."

"I can't, I got to get this plan to Thomas."

"I'm warning you. Take. A. Break."

"No, Patton. I need to give this to Thomas by the end of the week, and its Saturday!"

"You leave me no choice," I said. I picked him up quite gently and placed him on my shoulder.

"What do you- hey! Put me down this instant."

I ignore his screaming and demanding and walked to the dining room. I see Roman and Virgil's eyes pop, and I inwardly laughed.

"You were not kidding when you said you were going to carry him."

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