[119] COMPLIMENTary Cookies (Platonic LAMP)

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Written: August 8, 9
Ship: Platonic LAMP
Note: It's like, 4:30AM right now and I haven't slept a wink. I'm oversleeping tomorrow...

Patton loves the other three without a doubt. He showed it in every single possible and sometimes, craziest way. Still, it was possible but sometimes out of this world! Literally and figuratively. Once, he went to Imagination and grabbed a star. He calmly walked back to Logan and handed him the star (Logan freaked out at how that was physically possible).

"I got this star just for you! It was falling down and I knew that if I didn't think fast enough, it would fall onto the ground! So I caught it and now, it's yours," Patton stated happily. Roman and Virgil were confused beyond anything and Logan was shocked.

"How are you able to carry a star?! That is just physically impossible," Logan said, shaking his head.

Patton shrugged and said, "Well, people call me a literal ball of sunshine and what is the sun? A big star! So, I guess I can manipulate stars in Imagination?"

Logan and the others were not surprised when Patton had given them each a cookie with their logo on it. What shocked them was the flavors of each cookie. It seemed that Patton had baked a specific batch for Virgil, for Logan, and for Roman. Maybe there was one for Deceit and he walked away, hissing. Still, Patton seemed quite happy about the results.

He got a hug from Virgil, a kiss and a hug from Roman, and a compliment from Logan (he wasn't the best at physical contact). He was overall thrilled with the results of this!

Still, it wasn't enough. The next day, the other three sides found a jar of fortune telling cookies on their desks, each labeled: COMPLIMENTary cookies!

The pun was indeed funny and it cheered each side up. For Virgil, it were all about puns. For Roman, each loving fact about him and his body (he ate it all probably to boost his ego but still). For Logan, well... that was the trickiest. Patton had to do research about astronomy and astrology. Putting a lot of detail into one small note.

Logan was surprised at how much research Patton did into this, considering that half of the things written were unknown to Logan. Still, being Logic, he noticed that Patton has done everything for them.

But not for himself.

The next day, Logan had given each side a sticky note pad with a specific color for each side. Dark blue for Logan, violet for Virgil, red for Roman, and yellow for Deceit. When Logan told them about his plan, Roman had immediately embarked on it and conjured up the sticky notes.

They spent the entire morning covering Patton's door with sticky notes to the point that it didn't seem like a door. When Patton opened his door, he was met with a display of dark blue, red, purple, and the occasional yellow.

He smiled at how thoughtful the others were.

(Logan might have slipped a pun or two in there and Patton is never letting that go.)

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