[26] Kill Me Pt. 2 (Logicality)

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Original: September 17, 2017

July 6, 2018
I didn't update at all today. Sorry...

Logan POV

It's been two weeks. Two weeks since 'it' happened. Two weeks since I've seen Patton smile, laugh, make a joke, anything.

I knew that the incident would take a toll on Patton, but I didn't think that it would be this bad. I guess, for once, I was wrong. I sigh as I walked into Patton's room. I see him sitting by the window, staring outside, eyebrows furrowed as he was in deep thought.

I walked over to his side and said, "Patton, are you alright? You seem emotionally drained. I am not going to lie about this, but you're ability of hiding emotions is rivaling mine."

He gave a small grunt. That's all he's been saying. Grunts, whimpers, and other small noises he could make. In just a span of two weeks, we found out that there were a lot of small noises he could make.

I sighed as I sat down next to him. LogicaIly, this would be the part where Patton would wrap his arms around me. He didn't.

Now I knew this was more serious than that. To be honest, I have a hard time dealing with these types of emotional problems. It's a wonder how Patton and Roman are living like this.

I said, "Patton, dear? Is everything alright?"

He didn't reply. Instead, he flund himself on me, clutching me like his life depends on it. He was crying–no, bawling his eyes off. Sure, I have seen Patton cry, but I have never seen him cry this much.

I soothed him with comforting words, like, "It's okay" and "Let it all out," which he did. He cried harder and harder, and it is hurting my cardiac muscle.

After a good solid twn minutes, he finally calmed down, and said, "H-How's V-Virgil?"

"Virgil's been worried about you, Patton. Seeing you like this worries him. He's been eating more food and he's been out and up to no good most of the time."

You see, Virgil tried to commit suicide, but his plans were foiled by Roman, who just "for an unknown reason," walked into his room.

Roman quickly got into the car, went to the hospital, and contacted Patton as soon as he got Virgil in.

Patton, devastated by the news, was shocked, sad, and many more 'icky' stuff.

Me? I just got informed two weeks ago, also known as the previous one shot–wait, what?

Anyways, Patton's face brightened a bit, but he cried and laughed at the same time. I don't know how, but he did. His room's color started to fluctuate, from a brighter color to a darker one.

Knowing that this would become an emotional mess, I lead him out of his room and into the common room where Roman and Virgil were. Recently, they started to date, because Roman had feeling for Virgil, and vice versa.

Virgil ran up to Patton, a worried expression on his face. He said, "Dad, are you okay?! I know that what I did was pretty self-centered, but I swear it won't happen again!"

"B-But I wasn't there for you, Virgil! I wasn't there when you needed me most. What kind of dad am I if I can't even protect my own son?!"

"I-I know it's pretty rough, but we have to face it. I swear, Dad, I won't do it again. Just... Please... for my sake, and the others, please get better."

Patton sighed and nodded. "Y-Yeah, I will. Don't worry."

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