[4] Recovering pt. 2 (Analogical)

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Original: August 26, 2017

July 3, 2018
Still not touching this piece of shit. I am not happy with it at all.


I don't exactly know what happened but the cup flew out of my hand and landed on Roman's drawing, soaking it in the process.

The story continues...

"What the heck, nerd?! I spent so much time on that.

"I apologize, Roman. I-I didn't know that would happen."

"You sure are right about that, nerd. You are just useless and not helpful. No wonder why Thomas doesn't like you."

Ouch. That stung.

I felt tears gather at my eyes but I couldn't seem to know why I would be crying over a small petty insult. I knew that Roman would tease me like that, but I don't know why or what I did to him to deserve it.

"Alright, Princey. You've said too much! Look, Logan's gonna cry," Virgil said, clearing concerned of my well-being. I must thank him for that.

"No, it's alright, Anxiety. Must be something in my eyes."

"Your right it is! Now leave! Honestly, I can't stand being in the same place as you are right now."

I rushed out of the common room and to my room, knowing that I wouldn't come out anytime soon.

-Flashback end-

So here I am now, in my room, doing everything I can to be as useful to Thomas. I haven't taken a break for three weeks straight. I never appeared on any Sander Sides videos and the others seem to not mind my disappearance. They look... happy.

Nothing's changed in the videos. Patton being himself, telling all the dad jokes. Sometimes I wonder if he actually loves me. Then there's Roman. He seems to enjoy my disappearance. Quoting from him, "Finally that killjoy is gone!"

That hurts me. Finally, Anxiety. He's the only one that cares for my well-being. He would usually appear at the videos to tell them to try and summon me but they just wave him off, saying that I was not needed.

I've been thinking a lot for these past three weeks and I've been learning more and more about these 'emotions.' The aching in my chest when Patton hurted me? Heartbreak. The tears when Roman insulted me? Sadness. The lighthearted feeling with Anxiety? Happiness.

I finally decided to leave the room but I came face to face with the one and only Patton. I gulped and said, "Why hello Patton. Is there anything that I may assist you in?"

"Yes, actually. Follow me and don't you dare scream for help."

I shivered but nodded because he is quite scary at the moment.

We entered the secret room and Patton chained me out of force. This time he hit me. Hard. I cried out due to how much the pain hurts. He hit me. Once. Twice. Thrice.

I couldn't count anymore.

"Logan!" Huh?

"Logan!" Who's calling me?


I woke up, startled to see a worried Anxiety, frightened Princey, and a teary eyed Patton. I felt tears accumulate at my eyes as I tried to even out my breathing. Then I broke down. Anxiety rushed to my side and let me cry into his jacket. He smelled like vanilla, but I was too sad to care.

Morality tried to hug me but I backed up screaming, "Stay away from me! No more, NO MORE!"

I cried more into Anxiety's chest. From the corner of my eye, I saw Anxiety eyeing the two, telling them to leave. Both obliged.

I cried and cried til my eyes couldn't produce any more tears. I finally calmed down after hours of crying.

"You okay, Logan? You cried an awful lot," Virgil said, concern lingering in his eyes.

"I-I'm a-alri-ight. J-Just-t a-a r-really b-ba-ad d-dre-eam," I stuttered out.

"What was it about? Maybe I could help you."

That's when I said everything. From the moment that dream started, until the end. I examined Anxiety's expressions. Concern. Confusion. Realization. Anger.

Anxiety embraced me and said, "Logic, Logan, you are the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me. Why would you dream of that?! No do not answer that question. You would say because you are not worth it. I say: Falsehood. You are Thomas' logic for heaven's sake! Without you, Thomas would not have any motivation to create all those videos for the people. Do not let your nightmare pull you down."

"But it seems so realistic..."

"I know, but listen to me. You love me right?"

I nodded.

"Then trust me when I say this. I love you, so much. Even more than Princey loves Disney movies, and he loves them to death. Do not ever say those bad things about yourself. We can work this out if you trust me. So my question now is: do you trust me?"

I hesitated for a moment but only one word lingered in my mouth and pushed through.


I trust you.





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