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A/N: A huge shoutout to Galaxyon_12 and Axolotl803 for co-writing this chapter! I can't use the dedication feature for more than one user, so I'll be posting dedications here instead.

Another congrats to the readers who got a cookie by guessing my Hogwarts House! #SlytherinPride #HousePride

Also, I made a change to the co-authoring. Since there were so many forms, I decided to write one chapter with two or three users instead so the chapter's longer and more interesting.

- Glory's POV -

"What would you like, sir?"

The waitress stood by my chair, her chin tipped downward in respect. She carried a little notepad with a cute picture of a puppy on the backboard.

"Just a Greek salad and water, please," said Deathbringer.

"And for you, miss?"

"Hmm," I tapped a finger against the side of my face, scanning the options. "How about a large cheeseburger and fries, with some Californial roll sushi and a large milkshake. Oh, and also a slice of pepperoni pizza."

She scribbled our orders down and left.

Deathbringer gawked at me.

"What?" I asked. "I didn't eat breakfast and I'm paying for the meal anyway."

"Um, I thought you had a stack of waffles?" he interrogated. "Besides, it's only Eleven."

"Riiight," I sniffed while rolling my eyes. "It's totally unexpected for a normal person to have a large meal of delicious food at such a late time like Eleven."

"But Eleven's not late at all."

"It is for me; I ate at Seven."

"Still not late."

"Deathbringer, you are an official French-for-shower."

Deathbringer impaled a cucumber slice with his fork. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that you're a sweet, loving, adorable boyfriend."

"Aww, thank you."

"No problem," I replied generously. "Everyone idiotic as you can easily mistake insults for compliments."

"I was being sarcastic, too."

I dipped a sushi roll in the soy sauce, covering the entire thing in dark brown liquid. My parents never understood why Kinkajou and I did that, but the joke's on them because soy sauce is the best thing in the world. Other than sushi itself.

"Glory," Deathbringer whispered. 

He leaned in. I did so too. Our faces were centimeters apart, and I could feel his warm breath hitting my face gently. Deathbringer opened his mouth to say those three beloved words:

"I like sleeping."

"Yeah, me too."

"There's something about it that makes it so pleasingly pleasing."

"I know. Say, do you want to see The Nun? I heard it's playing in cinemas tonight."

"Sure, dummy."

"You're the dummy."

"No, you are."




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