Mad King & Future Faker

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Shirou POV

After Chrom & I regained our fighting spirits at Regena Ferox, the allied force marched on the Border Wastes, where we knew Gangrel & Archer would make their final stand.

*At the Border Wastes; Frederick runs up to Chrom, Robin, Artoria & I*

Frederick: Milord, I've a report from Khan Flavia. The Plegian army is in disarray.

Chrom: How do you mean?

Frederick: It seems many of their soldiers are opposed to further violence. There has been infighting, desertion... Gangrel is trying to stamp out the mutiny by force, but with little success. Outside of a few faithful who serve him directly, his army has all but collapsed.

Chrom: This is incredible news. But why...? ...Emmeryn.

Frederick: Yes, milord. Emmeryn. The report says Gangrel's men chant her name as they abandon the field. Her words, & her sacrifice, have made her a folk hero of sorts.

Chrom: Emmeryn... Why did it take me so long to understand? She believed all people desire peace. She knew, deep down, the Plegians wanted it, too. It just took her to bring it to the surface.

Robin: ......

Chrom: I hope she can see this, wherever she is... Today, we put an end to Mad King Gangrel & bring peace back to the land.

*Timeskip to Gangrel's appearance*

Gangrel: Good day, my little princeling! Still dreaming of your squashed sister?

Chrom: No more talk, Gangrel. Today, you die, & peace returns to Ylisse & Plegia.

Gangrel: Pah! Such hypocrisy! You despise me, wretch! You want to cut me down! You don't know the first thing about peace! No man does!

Chrom: I know more than you ever will.

Gangrel: More than me? More than ME?! Bwa ha! ...You ARE me! When life asks you a question, you answer with blood!

Chrom: Maybe you're right... I will never be my sister. I cannot forgive men like you—men who sow nothing but evil. All I have left arc words & her memory. Were I alone, I would be driven to madness. ...Or worse. But I'm not alone. My friends & brothers-in-arms stand behind me.

Gangrel: ...Are you done? May I vomit now? Bwa ha ha! What a flowery harangue! Men are beasts! Nothing more! We fight! We kill! We devour our prey! Beasts do not stand behind beasts, little prince... They use each other only so long as it suits their own selfish purpose!

Chrom: Perhaps this explains why your own soldiers refuse to stand behind you? You are a poison, a festering wound, & I will do what my sister could not.

Gangrel: Such a clever tongue you have, little prince... It will look quite fetching hanging on my mantle, next to your sister's corpse!

Shirou: Gangrel! Where is Archer!

Gangrel: Hell if I know! The fool said he was too busy to fight, & after I finish off all of you, I'll go show him why I AM THE KING!!!

Shirou: I'd like to see you try.


*Olivia enters*

Olivia: Milord, I have come! Am I too late? I don't claim my dance as anything special, but Khan Basilio says it renews the spirit!

Shirou: Just in time Olivia!

As Olivia joins up with the rest of the group, we all prepare for a few moments until we all charge into battle at full force for the final battle. I immediately traced my bow & began firing non-lethal shots at the Plegian soldiers in order to knock them out while at the same time charging through the battlefield as quickly as I could while shooting.

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