Robin: B Support

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Shirou: Hey, Robin? ...Robin! Are you in here?! Robin! ...HELLO? CHROM TOLD ME TO ASK YOU ABOUT OUR NEXT MOVE!

Robin: Shirou?! I-is that you? Er, if you could just wait outside, I'll just be a moment...

Shirou: What? Come on in? ...Gods, why is it so steamy in here? Did someone leave—


Shirou: Ah, there you are. I can hardly see a thing through all this blasted steam... Anyway, Chrom told me to consult with you on tomorrow's march. You see... ...... Er, is there any special reason you aren't wearing any clothes?

Robin: Shirou? Rather than stand there like a slack-jawed village idiot... PERHAPS YOU COULD WAIT OUTSIDE LIKE I ASKED?!

Shirou: But, I... You... Oh gods, I'm SO sorry! I didn't mean to! That is to say—


Shirou: R-right! Absolutely! Straightaway! I'll, er, wait outside the tent.
*Scene transitions to a different tent*

Robin: All right, you! What sort of idiot blunders straight into the women's bathing tent?!

Shirou: I'm sorry! Very, very sorry! I misheard you, I swear! I wasn't trying to peep!

Robin: *Sigh* ...Just... Fine. Apology accepted. Now what was so damned important?

Shirou: Oh, er. Chrom was hoping you could offer some advice on tomorrow's route.

Robin: Fine. What are the options?

Shirou: Well, according to this map, one route is this steep trail through the hills. Or we could circle the hills and follow the main road across the plain. I imagine either would work but Chrom wanted to see if you had a preference.

Robin: Hmm... I'd say the path through the hills. The main road would be easier, but we'd be more exposed if we encountered foes.

Shirou: Right... That's what I was thinking. Thanks for the advice. And, er... Yes! Well, that's it, I guess! So... yes. Bye.

Robin: Good-bye.

Shirou: ...& Robin? I'm really sorry about the bath thing. I honestly didn't mean to catch you like that.

Robin: It's fine. Water under the bridge. Let's forget about it & move on.

Shirou: Er, right. Yes. Good idea. So! I'll catch you later? Argh, no! I mean, I'll SEE you later! ...ARGH! NO! I mean... Good-bye!

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