Olivia: B Support

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Shirou: So, Olivia. How goes the saving?

Olivia: Pah-fectly whell, my good mahn! Now be a dear & fetch me some cav-iah?

Shirou: Um, are you all right?

Olivia: Of course! I found a book that teaches how to talk like a noble, so I'm practicing.

Shirou: Oh. I thought maybe a bee had stung your tongue...

Olivia: I did NOT sound like that! ...Or did I? Oh, gods, I DID! This stupid book is useless. Do you realize I've been talking like that all day? Gods, how embarrassing!

Shirou: Oh, it wasn't as bad as all that. Just unexpected is all. I'm sure if you keep practicing you'll get the hang of it.

Olivia: You really think so?!

Shirou: Er...sure. But listen, I wanted to ask something: What are you saving up for?

Olivia: You mean my big bag of loot? ...I want to build a theater.

Shirou: A theater? You mean, with a stage & stands & seats & everything?

Olivia: YES! And fly lofts & trapdoors and a huge proscenium arch! A place where people of all walks of life can experience the wonder of dance.

Shirou: When you say dance, are you referring to YOUR dancing?

Olivia: Well...kinda, yeah. Why? Does that sound egotistical? Because I—

Shirou: Awesome! I'll be first in line when it opens!

Olivia: Why, thank you, Shirou. How kind of you!

Shirou: But building a theater is quite a task. It'd cost a fair bit of coin.

Olivia: I know, I know. I suppose it's all a bit of a pipe dream...

Shirou: Say, I have an idea. Why don't we work together & build it ourselves?

Olivia: Oh, gosh, no! I don't even know which way to point a hammer.

Shirou: Well, I might not look it, but I know a thing or two about carpentry. Come on, it'll be fun!

Olivia: Okaaay, but...you really think we can pull this off ourselves?

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