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I narrowed my eyes down at the old piece of paper folded in my hand, debating with myself whether it was something I should allow Justin to read or not - considering I didn't know the contents inside, myself.

Ashton had discovered this note along with one of my pack members mangled body... the wolf had been pretty much near death when he was found, and he was taken to another wolf pack, whom specialise in healing severe wounds.

This note could have a clue as to which hunters or wolves could've done this to someone in Claws. But I needed to find out.

Ashton didn't read the note before he gave it to me, and that left me to read it alone - unfortunately over the years, reading never became a strong skill of mine.

Let's just say education was never a focus of my father's, it was always about how fit I could be... how much stamina I could build. So I never got the chance to learn, when I was too busy exercising.

I could read some words, but anything longer than four letters usually made me hold my breath. I was embarrassed, but thankfully never had to tell people in the past I couldn't read, since Ashton would normally read things out to me.

But now that I have the note, and Ashton didn't read it before giving it to me, I was stuck.

I looked over at Justin, watching as he chewed his bottom lip nervously, awaiting for the next thing I would say or do. Stiffening in the seat of the recliner.

I dragged him to some empty area of the mansion, further away from both packs just to avoid any eavesdropping.

He was hesitant on being relaxed, especially around me — which wasn't my problem at this time. 

I would ask why he was freaked out earlier, but to me the note and my pack were far more important than whatever upset Justin. Especially right now.

"You can't release any information we discuss to any other pack, including your brother." I said in a strict, harsh tone, "Do you understand?"

Justin frowned, "I'm not allowed to keep secrets from my brother - he has a rule."

"His rules don't apply when it comes to me. I'm far more important than he is, especially since I'm your alpha." I scoffed, wishing he was easier to deal with - most beta's would submit, and never question their alpha.

Justin was different. Harder to tame. I guess I was built for a challenge, though.

His eyes drifted to the note before back at me and he sighed softly, "I-I guess. Fine. It's just between us." He nodded slowly.

I smiled at that, "Good."

I walked towards him, handing him the note, before sitting on the arm of the chair he was on. I wanted to watch him read it, make sure he didn't lie about what was said. I hate liars.

Justin opened the note up carefully, reading the contents inside, "It's a warning..."

"Yeah, and? What does it say?" I pushed, wanting him to just read it out loud.

"I uh, well it says," Justin cleared his throat, "This is only the beginning for the Claws - we will wipe your entire pack out if we see one more of you nearing the Winchester Lake. You're lucky your little wolf isn't dead. ... and then it's signed, but I can't make out the signature." Justin informed me, pointing at the scribbled letters down bellow at someone's signature.

I didn't know who it was either, but that's what this life is like - anyone and everyone will attack and hurt you, especially in order to claim territory.

I frowned to myself, finding this more than annoying. It's things like these that make it hard to believe I will ever find a permanent home for my pack. We would be doomed to roam around for the rest of our miserable lives... or until the pack is torn apart.

I felt useless for the first time as an alpha, and I was lost at what our next move should be.

"Jason?" Justin whispered softly, his hand gently placing itself on my knee.

I found it rather soothing, but I didn't need him to see my soft side right now.

"What?" I snapped harsher than I intended, causing Justin to retract his hand quickly.

"I uh, are you alright? I just-"

"I'm fucking fine, you're the one who isn't." I hissed, "Why were you even scared earlier? I hope it wasn't from being in the dark because you need to grow up if that's the case."

Justin moved back, surprised by my attitude towards him, and his mouth opened and closed like a dying fish as he tried to piece together a coherent sentence.

"Seriously? You need to keep in tact with your emotions, last thing I need is someone crying over a little rain." I growled, standing up and pacing around his bedroom.

"I- I wasn't crying over rain or the dark." Justin blubbered, his face heating up, "You can't tell me h-how to feel."

I rolled my eyes, "Why not?" I snorted at him, watching as he curled into himself.

"I don't tell you how to feel!" He snapped at me, and I could already feel my chest bubble as his emotions began to deteriorate into something negative.

I shrugged, "Alphas don't listen to beta's, Justin. You know that." I chuckled softly, shaking my head at him.

Justin frowned, "Well... maybe they should." He grumbled, sighing, "What are you going to do about the note?"

"That's none of your business." I snapped again, and I felt myself straining from the back and forth emotions coming from both of us.

Justin stared at me wide eyed for a couple of seconds, before he looked down at his lap awkwardly.

I needed to go talk to Ashton about the note, considering it was a definite threat. My pack will be disappointed once again — they were getting tired of waiting to claim a territory.

I couldn't blame them, we wanted a stable home — it had been far too long.

"I need to go talk with my pack..." I eyed Justin up and down, humming, "You should join me."

Justin looked back up at me, clearly surprised.

"Is it a meeting?" Justin asked curiously.

"Somewhat." I shrugged, noticing Justin start to look a little excited as his eyes lit up, "What?"

"You don't think I'm too much of a... a pup?" Justin tilted his head, and I almost cooed - almost.

"You're my mate, Justin. It wouldn't be right to exclude you from things that'll probably effect you, too." I licked my lips, sighing, "Don't get me wrong, you're definitely like a puppy, though... but puppies bite too, ya know?"

Justin bit his bottom lip, slowly standing up with me as I began to head to the door.

I couldn't tell what he was thinking, but it was evident he was feeling a little prideful as he stood up straighter, and was somewhat smiling.

Maybe it doesn't take much to make him smile, he might be easier to get to submit if I can figure out the best way to get him to loosen up around me.

But that's for another day. Other important matters to discuss. Like where the hell I'm gonna go if Lake Winchester is overrun by somebody else.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2018 ⏰

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