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I stared hopelessly at Jason as he punched an old Boxing bag hanging from the tree.

It was 8am, most of of our packs were still asleep, and for some darn reason, Jason made me wake up early with him and come outside.

My ass was even becomming numb from sitting on this log for the past thirty minutes.

He didnt say much, more like, demanded my company as he worked out. So I dont really get why he needed me with him.

I dont know where he found the boxing bag either, seeing as it wasnt tied up on the tree yesterday... who even put it there?

"I didnt bring you out here to sit and look pretty." Jason spoke up, swiftly punching the bag, causing it to swing back violently.

"Then why did you force me out of my warm bed?" I snapped, tiredly.

Last night I barely slept knowing I was sharing the bed with him... and he wasnt very nice company. He kept cuddling me, holding me down while he slept, as well as hogging the blanket.

"You are going to come for a morning run with me." Jason smirked, picking up a towel from beside his feet, wiping his sweat soaked hands.

"A run?" I furrowed my brows, "I'm not allowed to leave the territory."

"You're my mate," Jason shrugged, walking over to me.

I stared up at him, swallowing the lump in his throat as he bent down. Should I be smart? Is he the type to attack? He's broken a bone before...

"What I say goes, and I want you to run with me... gotta test your stamina." He snickered.

"Stamina?" I furrowed my brows, "Why?"

His eyes looked over my body for a quick second, "You'll figure that out one day... but for now," Jason bent down, tying up my shoes for me.

I guess I didnt notice they werent tied up. I felt my cheeks coat in a blush as he double knotted them, and stood up.

"I sure hope you can keep up. I run fast." Jason murmured, holding a hand out for me.

I reluctantly took it, "I dont run often... last time I did, you attacked me."

"And now we're here." Jason shrugged, holding my hand securely as he began to pull me with him into a jog, "I'll hold onto you so you keep up."

Before I knew it, we were both in a sprint.

Jason was incredibly fast, it was as if he were dragging me with him by the speed he was going at.

I tried my best to keep my legs rolling, but I swear my feet barely touched the ground.

We hurdled over broken branches and logs, going far from my home like it was okay for me to leave my territory.

I hope Zayn doesnt find out... I'd be in a lot of trouble.

Twenty minutes into the run, I was breaking a serious sweat, heaving like I was unable to breathe. Jason seemed so content and at ease with the running that he barely slowed down.

Paws Vs. ClawsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang