e l e v e n

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I was cautious as I snuck out of my bedroom, Jason was in a deep sleep on my bed, and had been for ten minutes now.

I had heard a slight commotion coming from down stairs a few minutes ago, so my curiosity itched for me to go find the source of the noise.

Making it out of my room and to the stairs was definitely a proud moment for me. I felt like I was a secret ninja.

I chuckled lightly at the thought of a Ninja-Wolf crime fighter... I'm sure if someone had a five second look in my mind they would render  me insane.

Distant chatter of voices met my ears, making them twitch in anticipation as I rushed closer to where the talk was coming from.

I tiptoed to the small library on the bottom level of the house, eyes sparkling in excitement when I noticed the door slightly ajar.

I dropped to my knees, quietly of course, and crawled as close as I could without risking being noticed.

I managed to sneak under the main oak desk in the library, having a clear view of Zayn and Liam.

Zayn was pacing in front of one of the couches, I only had view of the back of his head, but I knew it was him, while Liam had his eyes locked down on a piece of crumbled old paper, facing my direction, but not noticing me.

"Does it need to be stitched?" Liam muttered.

Zayn let out a low, wolf-like growl, "Focus on the fucking paper, Liam. What does it say?"

I frowned, trying to adjust my crouched position so I could see better... but no luck.

Liam glared at Zayn, but proceeded to look back at the paper, "The hunters want the house. If we dont give it to them, they'll find a way to burn, torture and kill every one of us..."

Zayn scoffed, laughing in a sarcastic and wicked tone, "I'll rip their throats right off."

"Calm down, if anyone sees you like this they are going to panic..." Liam huffed, standing up promptly, "This is a co-leadership, Zayn. You keep losing control of your anger, you wont be a leader for long."

Zayn growled louder, stepping toward Liam in a threatening stance, "Are you threatening me?"

Liam rolled his eyes, "Of course not. But having this drama with Jason and his pack, and this whole Hunter thing, its gotta be messing with your head a bit. You need a clear mind."

"Clear mind? Its a bit hard, yeah... but you have to remember this has got some part to do with Justin." Zayn snorted.

"Maybe thats your problem." Liam sighed.

"That I care about my brother?" Zayn scoffed.

"Yes." Liam nodded, "Too much... imprinting is a part of our nature, Zee. I think you need to consider that Jason might be the best thing for him."

Zayn groaned, "Liam, Justin is our family. You want Jason to just swoop in and take my brother? The little kid you taught to tie his laces?"

Liam smiled lightly as did I. I faintly remembered how frustrated I was when I was younger, I couldn't dress myself properly, let alone tie my own shoes.

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