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I felt my jaws clench, letting a low growl bubble from my throat. My wrists were pinned tightly above my head, giving me no way to break free. Damn me for not having enough strength.

Golden eyes glared down at my own, before a snort errupted from the man they belonged to, "Growling isn't going to get you out of it."

I huffed, "I dont care!" I thrusted my foot forward, hitting his knee harshly.

He yelped, pulling back.

I took that little opportunity to break into a sprint towards the stairs - unfortunately I wasn't in luck of escaping, since someone was waiting there for me.

Arms wrapped tightly around me, and I thrashed around hopelessly.

"And this is why you arent allowed outside at night, Pup." Zayn scoffed, limping over slightly, since I did just kick his knee.

"Oh come on, Zee." I whimpered as Liam carried me down the steps, stopping in front of Zayn.

"You couldnt even break free from us properly, what do you think would happen if you're caught outside in the middle of the night?" Liam asked, placing me on the floor.

I rolled my eyes, "You ambushed me." I argued, eager just so I could go star gazing.

Unfortunately my older brother Zayn is a prick and wont let me leave the house as soon as the sun's gone down.

Actually, he barely even lets me out during the day. Thats just how 'protective' he is of me.

"You could get ambushed by anyone, hunters, other packs..." Zayn snapped, "God, sometimes you can be so stupid."

"Zayn," I decided to beg and whine, seeing as arguing would get me nowhere, "The stars are so pretty tonight-"

"No." Zayn snorted, Liam shaking his head at me as he walked beside him.

"You're such a prick!" I bursted, which earned me a slap to the back of my head from Zayn.

"Watch your mouth, Pup." Zayn warned, growling.

I frowned, cowering down. I hated that he was such a strict alpha - and since I was his little brother, he was a lot more strict on myself than anyone else.

"I'm not a pup! I'm a werewolf just like everybody else here." I said, referring to the thirty odd pack members living in this overly large house. Some may even call it a mansion, but it didnt look as fancy.

Liam laughed at that, "You're the puppy of the pack, Justin. Dont be so cute."

Zayn chuckled, adding further humiliation to myself.

"You guys are so mean." I spat.

"Good. Now go to bed. Its late." Zayn smirked, pointing up the stairs.

I scoffed at them both, running up the stairs. I pushed passed other wolves since a lot of them were still awake, ignoring their little jokes about me.

Unlike them, I had a bet time too. Sometimes I just wished those idiots would stop treating me like I'm the baby. Or "Puppy" as they like to call me.

Just because I'm not as aggressive and straight forward like most of them, doesnt mean I don't have werewolf potential.

I made my way into my bedroom, which was at the far end of the house upstairs, on the last left.

My room was a medium size, had its own bathroom, a nice window seating area that faced the back yard - well more so a forest.

I threw myself onto my large bed, curling up with a frown; I'll show my big brother and all the wolves that I could make a strong wolf, and maybe they'll stop calling me a pup.


Howls came from all around me as I stood strong in front of a newcomer, trying to take over my spot as alpha.

He was smaller, but persistant to fight me. He was in for a brutal beat down, I had already clawed his neck - which will most definitely scar.

"Stand down, or I'll tear you apart." I growled in warning.

The younger wolf smirked, "Scared?"

His taunting only made me snap faster, my hand reaching out and gripping his throat tightly. I quickly lifted him up and slammed his back down hard on the ground.

The wind was completely knocked out of him, he went limp as he crossed into unconsciousness.

My pack howled in applause as I cracked my neck, anger still a core emotion.

My canine teeth were showing as I glared around, "Who's next?" I barked, seeing if anyone else was up for the challenge.

Nobody would willingly step forward and I scoffed, shaking my head.

"Set up camp here for the night," I told them all, "As for Kyle, somebody drag his ass to one of the cages. He can spend a month remembering his position." I sneered down at the boy I just defeated.

He'll learn not to buttheads with me again.

I walked away as the group broke apart to do their jobs, heading towards the trees to break off wood for a fire.

Our pack was the kind to travel often, due to not yet finding a permanent home. I was territorial as anything, so I wanted to settle for a place where my pack grew to be as a strong family.

I knew a lot of them feared me, but any alpha could be feared. Kyle was new, but just because he tried to question my leadership, doesnt mean I was going to kick him out.

He just has to earn my respect.

"Jason?" A voice came from behind me, and I knew who it was immediately.

"Ashton, is there a problem?" I glanced back at him, picking up a bundle of sticks.

"We're near LockJaw territory." He informed me, "Are you sure its safe here?"

I hummed, feeling my lips twitch upwards in memory of our rival pack. Its been a long time since we ran into Zayn and his wolves.

"A reunion is in store, we'll stick to the plan of reaching Lake Winchester by next week." I shrugged.

Ashton snorted, "Well that sounds like it'll be fun. If you say so."

I nodded, heading towards the camp, "Something exciting always happens when we run into them, Ashton." I chuckled.

Author's Note; So many stories I know, but yolo. :) this will be kind of like a dominant/submissive relationship, but in werewolf terms? Idk how that works I'm not familiar with either lmao 😂

This is gonna be fookin shit, Im sorry.

I have a plot and I actually think I can properly finish this one if I plan it carefully. Hope yall like it either way and Im sorry for constantly adding stories. Im an addict. Im a story whore. Im do sorry.

You can throw tomatoes at me; so are we cool?❤

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