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I pursed my lips, placing Justin on his bed. He had become pale after the ritual, and I could tell he was drained.

Thankfully, he was going to be okay. He wasnt very well rested the night before, so this was predictable.

I guess the positive thing about Justin being my mate, is that my Pack and I get a place to sleep at and free food.

Justin seemed relaxed and in a deep nap. I wasnt sure if I should pull the comforter over him to keep him warm.

His wrist looked as though it was still healing, slowly, but surely. It was wrapped up in a bandage.

"So what now? You gonna come into this pack? Attempt Destroy it like you've tried to so many times before?" Zayn's voice captured my attention.

I swiftly turned to face him, "I expected a more welcoming embrace. Your brother is claimed by me, he's at my disposal." I snorted, throwing in a smirk to piss him off.

Zayn growled as he stood by the door, "Wolves like you make me sick..."

"You know the law. I imprinted on him, it makes him mine. Its not my fault its code." I scoffed.

"Well that property of yours is also my baby brother." Zayn stepped closer, "I've been raising him since he was nine years old, and I will do anything to keep him safe."

"Like letting him roam around in the woods? Hunters could have had his head on a stick-"

"He ran off. Sometimes keeping an eye on him is harder than it looks. He's often curious." Zayn seemed hurt by my accusations, but it was true - Justin could have come across someone far worse than myself.

"Curiosity killed the cat." I shrugged.

"He's not a cat, he's a wolf." Zayn rolled his eyes, "Pretty much our pup..."

I sighed, "Well, he's my mate now... shouldn't worry all too much about him anymore."

"So I should just let you become responsible for him?" Zayn snorted, "No way."

"His life under law belongs to me." I turned back around to face Justin, he was now curled up, still sleeping.

"If you hurt him, I dont care what the law is, I'll kill you." Zayn warned, "I mean that with every speck of blood running through my vains."

"I dont know what my intentions are with him yet," I murmured, "But I suppose since your pack have offered my pack some hospitality after this amazing revelation, I might take some time to get to know Justin."

"You are not staying in here-"

"Whats his is mine, including the room, I'd like some Privacy now Zayn, I'll be down for dinner, so will Justin. Bye now." I waved my hand, glancing at him.

Zayn glared, but exited the room nevertheless, shutting the door quietly behind him as he left.

I chuckled lightly, glancing around the room. It had been a very long time since my pack and I had slept in actual beds, let alone a mansion.

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